From ‘Врач’ to ‘Программист’: Mastering Professions in Russian

From ‘Врач’ to ‘Программист’: Mastering Professions in Russian

Professions and occupations play a vital role in our daily lives. Having a solid vocabulary related to different job roles is essential for effective communication in any language, including Russian. In this article, I will delve into a comprehensive list of professions and occupations in Russian, explain how to describe them, and provide practical usage…

Describe Your Daily Routine: Useful Russian Phrases

Describe Your Daily Routine: Useful Russian Phrases

In this blog post, we’ll look at useful Russian phrases to describe your daily routine. Being able to explain your regular schedule in Russian is great for conversational skills. We’ll go over common daily activities, time phrases to indicate when you do things, and practice putting it all together to talk about a typical day….

City Objects and Places in Russian | Vocabulary List

There are various objects and places in a city, and it’s important to familiarize yourself with them, especially if you’re traveling to Russia. Knowing the names of these places will greatly assist you, especially when asking for directions. It can be incredibly useful in navigating through the city. In this article, I’ll introduce common city…

Opposite Adjectives in Russian: Full List

Adjectives are words that characterize names in various ways. Below is a list of opposite adjectives in Russian you should learn to expand your vocabulary. хороший (good) – плохой (bad) добрый (kind) – злой (evil) светлый (light) – тёмный (dark) старый (old) – новый (new) старый (old) – молодой (young) большой (big) – маленький (small) высокий…

Essential Food Vocabulary: A Word List for Russian Learners

Food is a universal language that connects people and cultures, and understanding the culinary lexicon opens doors to immersive cultural experiences. Are you ready to tantalize your taste buds with the delightful flavors of Russian cuisine? In this article, I invite you to indulge in a delightful exploration of food vocabulary in Russian. With each…

15 Russian Verbs for Speaking with Example Sentences

There are many verbs in English that describe speaking. In this post, you will learn all of them. Well, If I don’t forget to mention some. Говори́ть to speak, to talk Я говорю по-английски. – I speak English. Они все говорят, что невиновны. – They all say they’re innocent. Я уже говорил со своим адвокатом. –…

How to Describe Size of Objects in Russian

You’re about to learn some new adjectives and phrases that will help you describe the size of literally anything. Let’s begin with the basics: This was the masculine version. Don’t forget that adjectives in Russian also have feminine and neuter forms. And plural! So, we have: крошечный – крошечная – крошечное – крошечные маленький –…