From ‘Врач’ to ‘Программист’: Mastering Professions in Russian

Professions and occupations play a vital role in our daily lives. Having a solid vocabulary related to different job roles is essential for effective communication in any language, including Russian.

In this article, I will delve into a comprehensive list of professions and occupations in Russian, explain how to describe them, and provide practical usage examples to aid learners in expanding their language proficiency.

Common Professions and Occupations

Let’s start by familiarizing ourselves with some common professions and occupations in the Russian language. These words will form the foundation of your professional vocabulary.

повар – cook/chef

учитель/педагог – teacher (at school), pedagogue

преподаватель – lecturer, teacher (at college/university)

врач/доктор – doctor (врач is a more common word)

пожарный – firefighter

спасатель – rescuer

полицейский – police-officer (also милиционер [outdated])

предприниматель – entrepreneur

маркетолог – marketer

секретарь – secretary

экономист – economist

финансист – financier

бухгалтер – accountant

сотрудник банка – bank employee

политик – politician

менеджер – manager

офисный работник – office worker

курьер – delivery guy

юрист – lawyer

водитель – driver

водитель автобуса – bus driver

водитель такси – taxi driver

учёный – scientist

инженер – engineer

журналист – journalist

библиотекарь – librarian

охранник – guard

аптекарь – pharmacist

архитектор – architect

строитель – builder, constructor

фотограф – photographer

дизайнер – designer

горничная – maid

медсестра – nurse

сантехник – plumber

электрик – electrician

мастер – handyman

механик – mechanic

официантка – waitress

официант – waiter

парикмахер – hairdresser

почтальон – mail carrier

уборщица (feminine) / уборщик (masculine) – cleaner

рабочий на заводе – factory worker

фермер – farmer

продавец – seller, shop assistan

кассир – cashier

работник супермаркета – supermarket worker

риэлтор – real estate manager

турагент – travel agent

портной (masculine)швея (feminine) – tailor

оператор колл-центра – call center operator

специалист техподдержки – technical support specialist

программист – programmer

разработчик – developer

стюардесса – stewardess

пилот – pilot

писатель (m.) / писательница (f.) – writer

музыкант – musician

актёр (m.) / актриса (f.)- actor/actress

Professions and Occupations in Russian

Describing Professions and Occupations

Generally, you can describe your profession in two ways:

Я врач.  – I’m a doctor.


Я работаю врачом. – I work as a doctor. (the profession is used in the instrumental case)

See Also: List of Healthcare Occupations in Russian

To accurately describe professions and occupations in Russian, it’s crucial to understand gender forms and pluralization.

For masculine professions, such as учитель (teacher), the feminine form changes the ending: учительница. When referring to multiple individuals, the word takes a plural form by modifying the endings accordingly.

Not all professions have feminine forms. Even when two forms exist, you can always use the masculine form to refer to both males and females without any errors.

For example:

  • Он учитель. – He’s a teacher.
  • Она учитель/учительница. – She’s a teacher.

Additionally, consider terms like работник (employee), рабочий (worker), специалист (specialist), and сотрудник (employee) when discussing different roles within a profession.

It is important to distinguish between “работник” and “рабочий”.

Рабочий primarily refers to a “worker” or someone involved in manual labor or physical work. It is a more specific term and is commonly used to describe individuals engaged in jobs such as construction, manufacturing, or other trade-specific labor-intensive occupations. It emphasizes the physical aspect of the work.

Работник generally translates to “employee” or “worker” and has a broader meaning than рабочий.
It is a more general term that encompasses individuals employed in various fields, including both manual labor and non-manual work. Работник can refer to employees in offices, organizations, businesses, or any type of employment setting. It emphasizes the general concept of being an employee or worker rather than focusing solely on physical labor.

See Also: Essential Job Vocabulary in Russian

Using Professions and Occupations in Sentences

Let’s now put our vocabulary into practice with the following examples:

Я работаю учителем/учительницей. – I am a teacher.

Он/она хочет стать маркетологом. – He/she wants to become a marketer.

Мой друг работает программистом. – My friend works as a programmer.

Он стал врачом, чтобы помогать людям. – He became a doctor to help people.

Мой отец – инженер. – My father is an engineer.

Она известная писательница романов. – She is a famous novelist.

В детстве я мечтал стать актёром. – In childhood, I dreamed of becoming an actor.

Пожарные быстро прибыли на место происшествия. – The firefighters quickly arrived at the scene of the incident.

Они работают в музее в качестве гидов. – They work at the museum as tour guides.

Моя сестра хочет стать юристом и заниматься защитой прав. – My sister wants to become a lawyer and work in the field of human rights.

Врачи и медсестры помогают пациентам в больнице. – Doctors and nurses help patients in the hospital.

У меня встреча с бизнес-консультантом сегодня. – I have a meeting with a business consultant today.

Дизайнеры создают уникальные проекты и иллюстрации. – Designers create unique projects and illustrations.

Expanded Vocabulary

Beyond the common list provided above, there is a vast array of professions and occupations to discover. Take your learning further by exploring additional vocabulary resources or consulting dictionaries specialized in professional terminology. This will allow you to grasp more niche or specialized roles and expand your range of vocabulary.

In the meantime, I’ll dive a little deeper into some areas and list a few more professions that are most common in them.

Types of Retail Jobs

продавец – seller, salesman

This employee sells the goods available at the assigned location, which could be a store, kiosk, or even a street stall. In addition, he or she often has to make sure that the goods are of the right quality, replenish stocks on time, etc.

Продавец рыбы
This is how продавец на рынке (market seller) looks like

кассир – cashier

мерчендайзер – merchandiser

товаровед – commodity expert

This specialist has the job of checking the quality of goods that the outlet receives for sale. They need to be familiar with all the required standards and regulations (like GOSTs) and be able to assess the condition of products, such as freshness and material quality.

администратор – administrator

торговый представитель – sales representative

региональный менеджер – district manager

генеральный директор – general manager

директор магазина – store manager, shop director

менеджер по закупкам – purchasing manager

менеджер по продажам – sales manager

менеджер по работе с клиентами – customer service manager

See Also: Phrases and Words You’ll Hear in Russian Stores

Social professions

The social sphere plays a vital role in addressing societal needs, promoting social cohesion, and ensuring the overall development and welfare of individuals. It includes government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, community centers, and other entities that work together to provide essential services and support to people within a society.

Here’s a list of most common occupations in the social sphere:

социальный работник – social worker

специалист органа опеки и попечительства – specialist of the tutorship and guardianship authority

социальный педагог – social pedagogue

социальный инженер – social engineer

социолог – sociologist

геронтолог – gerontologist

демограф – demographer

медиатор – mediator

специалист по работе с молодежью – specialist of work with youth

специалист службы занятости – employment expert

Online Jobs

In today’s interconnected world, online jobs have experienced a tremendous rise in popularity. With the increasing availability of remote work opportunities, it has become essential for language learners to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary associated with online jobs in the language they are learning.

Whether you aspire to work from home, freelance, or engage in virtual collaborations, having a solid grasp of online job terminology is crucial for effective communication in the digital realm.

менеджер в социальных сетях (соцсетях), SMM-менеджер – social media manager

системный администратор – network system administrator (informal сисадмин)

графический дизайнер – graphic designer

веб-дизайнер – website designer

веб-разработчик – web developer

фронтенд-разработчик – front-ed engineer

бэкенд-разработчик – back-end engineer

аналитик данных – data analyst

SEO-специалист, оптимизатор – SEO expert (informal сеошник)

онлайн-репетитор – online tutor

копирайтер – copywriter

корректор – proofreader

технический писатель – technical writer

автор (блога) – blog writer

новостник – newswriter

коммерческий писатель – business writer

фрилансер – freelancer

блогер – bogger

инфлюенсер, лидер мнений – influencer

Use this vocabulary guide as a stepping stone to learning and incorporating these words into your conversations and written exercises. Remember to practice regularly and explore further resources to expand your professional vocabulary.

Here’s a video for you if you want to know the correct pronunciation of these words:

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