City Objects and Places in Russian | Vocabulary List

There are various objects and places in a city, and it’s important to familiarize yourself with them, especially if you’re traveling to Russia. Knowing the names of these places will greatly assist you, especially when asking for directions. It can be incredibly useful in navigating through the city.

In this article, I’ll introduce common city vocabulary in Russian. This will help you confidently navigate the streets, do everyday tasks, and fully enjoy being in the city.

Types of Cities

In Russia, various types of cities exist based on their administrative, economic, and cultural significance. Here are a few common types of cities found in Russia:

город [gorad] – city

This is the general term for any urban settlement in Russia, ranging from small towns to large metropolitan areas.

cтолица [staleetsa] – capital

Cities designated as the capital serve as the political center of a particular region or country. Moscow is the capital of Russia, while other regions have their own regional capitals.

мегаполис [megapolees] – megacity

These are highly populous and densely populated cities that are typically major economic, cultural, and administrative centers. Moscow and St. Petersburg are considered megacities in Russia.

посёлок [posyolok] – township

These are smaller urban areas or settlements, often located on the outskirts of larger cities. These can include industrial townships or residential areas.

курортный город [koorortniy gorad] – resort city

These cities are known for their recreational and tourism facilities. They attract visitors seeking leisure activities, health resorts, or natural beauty. Sochi and Anapa are examples of resort cities in Russia.

Basic City Vocabulary

Understanding basic Russian city vocabulary will greatly assist you when discussing and navigating through urban environments.

Центр” [tsentr] refers to the city center, where you’ll find bustling streets, shops, restaurants, and various amenities. When asking for directions, you can inquire about the location of the city center:

Где находится центр города? – Where is the city center?

Пригород” [preegarod] signifies the suburbs surrounding the central areas. These residential areas offer a quieter atmosphere, green spaces, and a break from the city’s hustle and bustle.

Вы живёте в пригороде? – Do you live in the suburbs?

Район” [rayon] indicates different districts within a city. Each district can have its own characteristics, landmarks, and points of interest:

Какой самый богатый район в этом городе? – What is the richest district in this city?

Инфраструктура” encompasses the essential facilities and services supporting a city’s functioning. It includes transportation, utilities, and public amenities:

Город обладает хорошо развитой инфраструктурой. – The city has well-developed infrastructure.

Here’s some more fundamental city-related vocabulary:

дорога [daroga] – road

улица [ooleetsa] – street

площадь – square/plaza

проспект – avenue

дом [dom] – house/home

здание – building

квартира – apartment

парковка – parking lot

детская площадка – playground


Navigating transportation in Russian-speaking areas becomes easier with knowledge of the relevant vocabulary.

Here are some key transportation words:

транспорт – transport

общественный транспорт – public transportation

автобус [aftoboos] – bus

Buses are a common mode of public transportation in Russian cities. They operate on various routes, and you can find bus stops (остановка) throughout the city.

маршрутка is a minibus or van that operates on a specific route, picking up and dropping off passengers along the way. It follows established routes and usually display their destination or route number on the vehicle’s windshield.


This mode of transportation used to be called a route taxi because the маршрутка would stop at any point the passenger requested. The drivers often broke the rules by taking more passengers than the gazelle could hold. However, the legislation has undergone significant changes, and marshrutkas have become almost identical to buses, albeit smaller in size. They now stop only at designated bus stops, and the fare is approximately the same as regular buses.

метро [meetro] – metro/subway

трамвай – tram

троллейбус – trolleybus

такси [taksee] – taxi

поезд [poyezt] – train

электричка – electric train

вокзал [vakzal] – station

автовокзал – bus station

железнодорожная станция (ж/д вокзал) – railway station

аэропорт [aeraport] – airport

автозаправка – gas station

платформа – platform

билет – ticket

расписание – schedule

To ask about transportation in Russian, you can use the following phrases:

На чём я могу добраться до…? – How (by what transport) can I get to…?

Где находится автобусная остановка? – Where is the bus stop?

Когда отправляется следующий поезд/автобус? – When does the next train/bus depart?

Сколько стоит проезд на такси/автобусе/метро? – How much does the taxi/bus/metro fare cost?

Куда едет этот автобус? – Where does this bus go?

These phrases will help you ask for directions, inquire about transportation options, and gather information about fares and routes when navigating through Russian-speaking areas.

See Also: Vehicle Names in Russian

Places in the City

When exploring a city, it’s useful to be aware of various locations that can enhance your overall experience. Here are some key terms to improve your understanding of places in the city:

парк – park

сад – garden

банк – bank

больница – hospital

церковь – church

отель, гостиница – hotel

бар – bar

кафе – café

ресторан – restaurant

театр – theater

кинотеатр – cinema

спортзал – gym

парикмахерская – hairdresser’s

салон красоты – beauty salon

барбершоп – barbershop

галерея – gallery

библиотека – library

музей – museum

аптека – pharmacy

школа – school

университет – university

зоопарк – zoo

стадион – stadium

city places in Russian

By familiarizing yourself with these basic city vocabulary terms, you’ll be better equipped to navigate urban environments, engage with locals, and have a more enriched experience exploring the city’s landmarks, transportation systems, and public spaces.

Types of Shops

In Russian cities, you can find a variety of different types of stores, each with its own specific purpose and range of products. Here are a few popular types of stores:

магазин – shop/store

киоск – kiosk

продуктовый магазин / отдел – grocery store / grocery department (of a supermarket)

хозяйственный магазин / отдел – hardware store / housewares department

книжный магазин – bookstore

спортивный магазин – sports shop

обувной магазин – shoe store

магазин одежды – clothing store

бутик – boutique

супермаркет – supermarket

гипермаркет – hypermarket

тороговый центр – mall

See Also: Shopping Vocabulary in Russian

Management and Services

Living in a city requires familiarity with essential services that cater to public safety, administration, and daily needs. Let’s explore some key terms in city services vocabulary.

полицейский участок (отделение полиции) – police station

пожарная станция – fire station

скорая помощь – ambulance

мэрия – city hall

почта/почтовое отделение – post office

суд (судебный участок) – court

тюрьма – prison

City Objects

тротуар – sidewalk

велосипедная дорожка (велодорожка) – bicycle path

перекресток – crossroads

мост [most] – bridge

подземный переход – underpass

пешеходный переход (зебра) – crosswalk

дорожный знак – road sign

светофор – traffic light

урна – trash bin

фонтан – fountain

Here’s a video for you:

Directions and Navigating the City

While exploring a city, it’s essential to have some knowledge of directions and how to navigate from one place to another.

Use the phrase “Как пройти к…?” [kak praytee k] (How do I get to…?)  to ask for directions to a specific location or landmark. Replace the ellipsis with the name of the place you are trying to reach.

The phrase “Где находится…?” [gdye nahodeetsya] (Where is…?)  is useful when you are unsure about the location of a particular place. Simply replace the ellipsis with the name of the place you are looking for.

See Also: Asking for and Giving Directions in Russian

Basic directional terms and locational phrases include:

  • налево [nalyeva] – left
  • направо [naprava] – right
  • прямо [pryama] – straight ahead
  • рядом с [ryadam s) – next to
  • возле [vozlye] – near
  • на углу [na oogloo] – on the corner

By familiarizing yourself with these directions and navigation terms, you’ll be better equipped to ask for directions, understand instructions, and find your way around the city. Whether you are using public transportation, walking, or taking a taxi, knowing basic directional phrases will help you confidently navigate the urban environment.

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