Russian Travel Phrases Every Visitor Should Know

Picture yourself standing in the heart of Moscow’s Red Square, surrounded by the iconic St. Basil’s Cathedral and the grandeur of the Kremlin. Vibrant conversations in Russian flow around you, and you yearn to connect with the locals and delve deeper into the rich culture and history of Russia. Discovering the importance of learning Russian vocabulary for travel becomes a gateway to unlocking unforgettable experiences.

In this article, we’ll explore essential Russian travel vocabulary words and phrases to make your adventure more comfortable and enjoyable.

St. Isaacs Cathedral, Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Traveling to Russia can be an exciting adventure filled with cultural discoveries and unique experiences. To make the most of your trip, familiarizing yourself with basic Russian words is essential. I will provide a practical guide of must-know Russian words to help you navigate numbers and currency, communicate at common places and landmarks, order food, and engage politely with locals. With these simple and concrete words in your vocabulary, you’ll have the key to a more immersive and enjoyable travel experience in Russia.

Basic Vocabulary for Traveling

There is a certain set of words on the topic that you need to know to be able to talk about traveling. In this section, I will try to give as much information about basic vocabulary as possible.

Essential Verbs

When it comes to discussing travel in Russian, there are a variety of words and verbs that can help you effectively express your experiences and plans.

One important aspect is sharing your travel experiences. You can use verbs such as “путешествовать” (to travel), “ездить” (to go), “планировать” (to plan) and “посещать” (to visit).

For example, you might say “Я люблю путешествовать по миру” (I love to travel around the world) or “Я посетил(а) множество интересных мест” (I visited many interesting places).

The verb “путешествовать” (puteshestvovat’) is used to express the general concept of traveling or going on trips. It is often used to describe leisure travel or going on extended journeys. Here are some examples of how to use it:

Они всегда путешествуют на машине. – They always travel by car.

Я люблю путешествовать и исследовать новые места. – I love to travel and explore new places.

Она планирует путешествие по Европе следующим летом. – She plans to travel around Europe next summer.

Мы предпочитаем путешествовать самостоятельно. – We prefer to travel independently.

Мы уже путешествовали по России и полюбили её традиции и культуру. – We have already traveled around Russia and fell in love with its traditions and culture.

On the other hand, the verbs ездить/поехать are used to indicate specific instances of traveling or going on a trip.

Они ездят в гости к своим родственникам каждый месяц. – They visit their relatives every month.

Летом мы всегда ездим на море. – In the summer, we always travel to the seaside.

Я поеду в Москву на следующей неделе. -I will go to Moscow next week.

Они собираются поехать в горы на выходные. – They are planning to go to the mountains for the weekend.

Remember that the words “путешествовать” and “ездить” are not always interchangeable. “Путешествовать” means “to travel” or “to make a journey.” It is a broader term used when referring to larger, more extensive trips or journeys. You can’t say “путешествовать в Нью-Йорк“, for example. You can say “поехать в Нью-Йорк” or “полететь в Нью-Йорк“.

When discussing future trips or travel plans, the verb “планировать” (to plan) comes in handy. For example, “Мы планируем поездку Санкт-Петербург” (We are planning a trip to St. Petersburg) or “Я планирую поехать в Москву следующим летом” (I plan to travel to Moscow next summer).

Собираться is another good verb for making plans: “Мы собираемся посетить местные достопримечательности” (We are planning to visit local landmarks).

Бронировать [braneeravat’] means “to book”, “to reserve”. When making reservations for accommodations or transportation, you can use this verb, such as “Я хочу забронировать номер в отеле” (I want to book a hotel room).

The verb “отдыхать” [atdihat’] in Russian means “to rest” or “to relax.” It is used to describe the act of taking a break, recuperating, or engaging in leisure activities.

отдыхать на природе – to relax in nature, to camp out

отдыхать за городом – to relax in the countryside

Мы регулярно отдыхаем в этом курортном городе. – We regularly rest in this resort town.

The verb отдыхать can be used as a synonym for проводить отпуск (to spend the vacation/holidays).

Они провели отпуск за границей и посетили много интересных мест. – They spent their vacation abroad and visited many interesting places.)

Я решил провести свой отпуск на природе, вдали от городской суеты. – I decided to spend my vacation in nature, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

A few more basic verbs that may be helpful:

купить [koopeet’] – to buy

Где я могу купить билет? – Where can I buy a ticket?

находиться – to be (находится [nahodeetsa] – is)

Где находится остановка? – Where is the bus stop?

найти [naytee] – to find

Где я могу найти хорошее жильё? – Where can I find a good place to live?

заказать [zakazat’] – to order

заказать такси – to order a cab

заказать еду – to order food

доехать/добраться – to get to

Как мне добраться до Эрмитажа? – How do I get to the Hermitage?

If there aren’t enough examples, don’t worry, we will break down some of these verbs later in the article.

See Also: 25 Core Verbs in Russian for Beginners

Nouns for Places and Other Travel Terms

Expressing your travel preferences is another key element. Words like “пляж” (beach), “горы” (mountains), “город” (city), and “природа” (nature) can help convey your preferences. You could mention “Я предпочитаю отдых в горах” (I prefer vacations in the mountains) or “Я люблю путешествовать по историческим городам” (I love traveling to historical cities).

Basic travel vocabulary in Russian

Here are some more basic words used when talking about travel in Russian, along with their pronunciation:

путешествие [pooteeshestveeye] – travel

поездка [payeztka] – trip

турист [tooreest] – tourist

отпуск [otpoosk] – vacation

отдых [otdih] – rest, relaxation

место [myesta] – place

город [gorat] – city

улица [ooleetsa] – street

отель [atel] – hotel

ресторан [reestaran] – restaurant

аптека [aptyeka] – pharmacy

супермаркет [soopyermarkyet] – supermarket

туалет [tooalyet] – toilet

аэропорт [aeraport] – airport

вокзал [vagzal] – train station

музей [moozyey] – museum

гид [geed] – guide

экскурсия [ekskoorseeya] – excursion

достопримечательность [dastapreemeechatyelnast’] – attraction, landmark

памятник [pameetneek] – monument

карта [karta] – map

багаж [bagash] – luggage

паспорт [paspart] – passport

билет [beelyet] – ticket

Поездка” and “путешествие” are two different words that refer to the concept of a trip or journey, but they have slightly different connotations and usage.

Поездка generally refers to a specific trip or excursion, often with a specific purpose or destination in mind. It typically implies a shorter duration and a more focused or practical nature of the journey. It can be used for both planned trips and spontaneous outings.

Я планирую поездку в Питер на следующей неделе. – I’m planning a trip to Petersburg next week.

Путешествие refers to a broader and more extensive journey or travel experience. It often implies exploration, discovery, adventure, or leisure. It can involve multiple destinations, longer durations, and a more immersive experience of different cultures, places, or activities.

Мы планируем совершить путешествие по Европе. – We plan to embark on a journey across Europe.

Greetings and Basic Expressions

Starting your interactions with warm greetings and basic expressions sets the tone for meaningful connections.

Learn phrases like:

Здравствуйте. [zdrastvooytye] – Hello. (formal)


Спасибо [spaseeba] – Thank you.


Пожалуйста [pazhaloosta] – Please/You are Welcome.


Извините [eezveeneetye] – Excuse me/I’m sorry. (formal)


Experience the warmth of Russian culture by demonstrating respect and kindness with these straightforward yet impactful expressions.

Of course, there are many other greetings and polite words in the Russian language. However, in this article, we won’t go into detail about them since I already discussed them earlier.

Asking for Directions and Navigating

Navigating a new city or finding your way to attractions is made easier with basic phrases for asking directions. Master phrases like “Где находится…” (Where is…) and “Как пройти…“/”Как проехать…” (How to get to…). This will help you confidently communicate with locals and ensure you reach your desired destinations hassle-free.


Где находится ближайшая аптека? [gdye nahodeetsa bleezhayshaya aptyeka] – Where is the nearest pharmacy?

Где находится Оружейная палата? [gdye nahodeetsa aroozheynaya palata] – Where is the Kremlin Armoury located?

Как пройти к полицейскому участку? [kak praytee k paleetseyskamoo oochastkoo] – How do I get to the police station?

Как пройти на платформу? [kak praytee na platformoo] – How do I get to the platform?

Как проехать в центр? [kak prayehat’ v tsentr] – How do you get to the center?

You don’t necessarily have to use the verb “находится” to ask where something is located. If something is nearby, you can simply use the question word “where” and add the name of the place you are looking for:

Где здесь туалет? – Where’s the bathroom around here?

Где здесь ближайшая аптека? – Where’s the nearest pharmacy around here?

Где здесь поблизости есть супермаркет? – Where’s the nearest supermarket around here?

The directions can be expressed in the following words:

  • справа [sprava] – on the right
  • слева [slyeva] – on the left
  • прямо [pryama] – straight ahead
  • направо [naprava] – to the right
  • налево [nalyeva] – to the left
  • рядом [ryadam] – nearby

These basic phrases are sufficient for your needs. If you want to learn more, check out the article called “How to Ask and Give Directions in Russian“.

Ordering Food and Drinks

Dining out in Russia offers an opportunity to indulge in the diverse and flavorful world of Russian cuisine. With its vast geographical expanse, Russia embraces various culinary traditions influenced by its multicultural heritage. From hearty dishes inspired by Slavic roots to savory delights stemming from Central Asian and Caucasian influences, Russian cuisine offers an array of flavors that are sure to please any food enthusiast.

Russian cuisine is renowned for its rich and comforting dishes. A staple in Russian households and restaurants is the famous borscht, a hearty beetroot soup often served with sour cream. Another beloved dish is pelmeni, which are dumplings filled with meat or vegetables and served with a dollop of butter or sour cream.

To accompany these delectable dishes, traditional Russian beverages are a must-try. Sip on a cup of fragrant Russian tea, often served hot with a slice of lemon or a spoonful of jam. For those seeking stronger libations, sample Russian vodka, renowned for its purity and smoothness.

To ensure a seamless dining experience, here are a few essential phrases for ordering food in Russian:

  • Здравствуйте, можно посмотреть меню? – Hello, can I see the menu?
  • Я хочу заказать столик. – I want to order a table.
  • Я бы хотел/хотела… – I would like…
  • Мне, пожалуйста, порцию… – Could I have a portion of…
  • Что входит в состав этого блюда? – What is included in this dish?
  • Я не ем мясо. – I do not eat meat.
  • Принесите счёт, пожалуйста. – Bring the bill, please.

Спасибо” (Thank you) and “Пожалуйста” (Please) are polite expressions to use throughout your dining experience.

Now armed with a glimpse into Russian cuisine and key phrases for ordering food, you can embark on a culinary adventure and embrace the rich flavors and cultural traditions of Russian gastronomy.

Transportation Phrases

When traveling in Russia, understanding key transportation phrases is essential for seamless exploration. Whether you’re navigating the bustling streets of Moscow or embarking on a scenic train journey through the Russian countryside, mastering these phrases will empower you to move around with ease. In this article, we will provide you with simple and concrete transportation phrases that will help you navigate Russia’s roads, rails, and skies like a seasoned traveler.

To talk about modes of transportation, you can use important words like “поезд” (train), “самолёт” (airplane), “автобус” (bus), автомобиль/машина (car), “такси” (taxi).

See Also: Vehicle Names in Russian

Public Transportation

Public transport in Russia encompasses various modes of transportation, providing efficient and extensive coverage throughout the country. It includes:

Метро (Subway). Russia boasts an extensive metro system in major cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. These underground networks offer a convenient and efficient way of getting around, with multiple lines and stations serving different parts of the city.

Автобус (Bus): City buses are widely available in urban areas, providing transportation to various neighborhoods and suburban regions. Bus routes often cover a broad network, connecting different parts of the city and operating throughout the day.

Трамвай (Tram). Trams are common in many Russian cities. They operate along dedicated tracks and provide transportation within city limits. Trams are a familiar sight, especially in older parts of cities, and are an affordable and reliable mode of transportation.

Троллейбус (Trolleybus). Trolleybuses are electric buses that receive power from overhead electric lines. Similar to trams, they run along fixed routes. Trolleybuses are prevalent in many Russian cities and offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional buses.

Маршрутка (Minibus). Marshrutkas are privately operated minibusses that follow fixed routes. They are often smaller in size compared to regular buses and offer a more flexible and localized transportation option, particularly in suburban areas or smaller towns.

It is worth noting that public transport systems may vary across different regions of Russia. Major cities usually have more extensive and efficient networks, while smaller towns may have more limited options. However, public transport remains a convenient and affordable choice for both locals and visitors looking to navigate Russia’s vast urban landscapes.

Tram in Russia
Russian tram

When using public transportation in Russia, it’s important to know how to communicate your needs and understand essential instructions. Here are some phrases to help you get around:

Где находится остановка автобуса/трамвая? (Where is the bus/tram stop?)

Когда приходит следующий автобус/трамвай? (When does the next bus/tram arrive?)

Сколько стоит билет до… (your destination)? (How much is the ticket to…?)

Какая остановка следующая? (What’s the next stop?)

To avoid confusion regarding public transportation routes, you can utilize specific mobile apps, such as 2GIS. This application provides detailed maps of Russian cities, helping you find any desired location and determine which buses follow particular routes.

Using Taxis

Taxis are a convenient way to travel in Russian cities. In today’s environment, we typically use apps to order taxis. It is also possible to call for one by phone. Catching a cab on the city streets can be extremely challenging. For example, in the Siberian city where I reside, which has a population of one million, it has been a long time since I have seen taxis waiting in parking lots. Perhaps it is easier in other cities. However, you can always rely on your phone and a taxi app wherever you are.

Here are some phrases to help you during your taxi rides:

Здравствуйте. Я хочу заказать такси. (Hello. I would like to order a taxi.)

Сколько времени займёт поездка от… до… ? (How long will it take to get to…?)

Сколько будет стоить поездка от… до… ? (How much does the ride from… to… cost?)

Машина в пути. (The car is on its way.)

Отвезите меня в центр города. (Drive me to the city center.)

Я очень спешу. (I’m in a hurry.)

Вы могли бы подождать меня здесь? (Could you wait for me here?)

If you order a taxi over the phone, once you dial the number, the operator will greet you and inquire about your location for pick-up. They will then ask for your destination and provide you with the estimated cost of the trip. This method is highly convenient as it minimizes the need for lengthy conversations on your part.

Taking Trains

Russia’s expansive railway system provides a delightful method to venture through the country’s vast landscapes. With a wide assortment of trains tailored to different travel requirements, Russia offers diverse options for exploring its magnificent expanse. Here are the primary types of trains you’ll come across during your travels in Russia:

Обычный поезд (regular train). These trains provide basic passenger service, with a range of seating options from economy-class seats to more comfortable compartments. Regular trains typically operate on shorter routes and have several stops along the way.

Скорый поезд (fast train). Skoriy poezd, also known as “Express Train,” offers faster travel compared to regular trains. They have fewer stops and cover longer distances in a shorter time. These trains often have both seating and sleeping arrangements, providing increased comfort for passengers.

Сапсан (a high-speed train). Sapsan is Russia’s high-speed train that connects major cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, and others. It offers a comfortable and efficient way to travel at speeds of up to 250 km/h (155 mph). Sapsan trains feature modern amenities, including spacious seating, onboard dining, and Wi-Fi.

Электричка (suburban Train). Elektrichka refers to suburban trains that operate within the vicinity of larger cities. These trains are primarily used for daily commuting, shuttling passengers between city centers and nearby suburban areas. Elektrichkas often have simple seating arrangements and can become crowded during peak hours.

Train in Russia
Russian train

A railway station in Russia, commonly referred to as “железнодорожный вокзал” or just “ж/д вокзал“, is a transportation hub where trains arrive and depart. It serves as a crucial link for both domestic and international travel within the country.

Here are key phrases for train travel:

  • перон – platform
  • поезд – train
  • расписание – schedule
  • отправление – departure
  • прибытие – arrival
  • билет – ticket
  • касса – ticket office
  • электронный билет – e-ticket
  • вагон – carriage
  • место – seat
  • регистрация – check-in/registration
  • платформа – station platform

These terms will help you navigate and communicate efficiently at a railway station in Russia. From purchasing tickets to finding your platform, understanding this vocabulary will facilitate your travel experience by train in the country.

When traveling by train in Russia, knowing a few key phrases can significantly enhance your experience. Here are some essential Russian phrases for train travel:

Где находится ж/д вокзал? (Where is the train station?)

Где продаются билеты? (Where are tickets sold?)

Когда отправляется следующий поезд в… (your destination)? (When does the next train depart to…?)

Сколько стоит билет в… (your destination)? (How much is the ticket to…?)

Мне нужен билет в… (I need a ticket to…)

Билет, пожалуйста. – Ticket, please.

Где находится мой вагон/купе/место? – Where is my carriage/compartment/seat located?

Извините, где находится туалет? – Excuse me, where is the restroom/toilet?

Сколько времени идёт поезд до…? – How long does the train take to reach…?

Что включено в стоимость билета? – What is included in the ticket price?

Это поезд номер…? – Is this train number…?

Это вагон номер…? – Is this carriage number…?

У меня электронный билет. – I have an electronic ticket.

Это место занято? – Is this seat taken?

Извините, где можно приобрести чай/кофе/продукты? – Excuse me, where can I buy tea/coffee/snacks?

Когда будет остановка в…? – When will the train stop at…?

Когда будет следующая остановка? – When’s the next stop?

If you plan to travel by rail, it is essential to be aware that there are various types of carriages and seats available on trains, each offering different levels of comfort and pricing.

Купе (compartment). These carriages feature separate compartments with four berths, providing privacy and comfort during the journey. Each compartment usually has a sliding door, storage space, and bedding for the passengers.

Плацкарт (open-plan). Platskart carriages have an open-plan layout with bunks arranged in open compartments along the aisle. These carriages are more budget-friendly and allow for a more social atmosphere during the trip (which can be bad, if you’re not lucky enough).

Люкс (luxury/executive). Luxury carriages offer the highest level of comfort and privacy. They typically feature compartments with two berths, exclusive amenities, and additional services such as complimentary meals and personal attendants.

Сидячий (sitting carriage). Sitting carriages consist of rows of seats like those on a bus or plane. They are commonly found on shorter routes or for day-time travel and are less common on long-distance trains.

Ресторан (restaurant car). Some long-distance trains feature a restaurant car, providing passengers with dining options and a place to relax and enjoy meals during their journey.

These are the types of carriages you may encounter when traveling on Russian trains. Each offers a different level of comfort, convenience, and price range to accommodate various travel preferences.

Air Travel

Flying within Russia or to different regions is another option to consider. Use these phrases when traveling by air:

Где находится аэропорт? – Where is the airport?

Как проехать в аэропорт? / Как добраться до аэропорта? – How do I get to the airport?

Когда следующий рейс на…? – When is the next flight to…?

В какое время вылетает мой рейс в… (your destination)? – What time does my flight to… depart?

Где можно сдать багаж? – Where can I check my luggage?

Где находится выход? – Where is the exit?

Где находится стойка регистрации? – Where is the check-in?

Сколько килограммов можно провезти в багаже? – How many kilograms of luggage can I take?

Я могу взять эту сумку с собой на борт? – May I take this bag into the cabin?

Где проходит контроль безопасности? – Where is the security checkpoint?

Когда начнётся посадка? – When will the boarding begin?

Где можно купить еду/напитки? – Where can I buy food/drinks?

Having a basic understanding of these phrases will assist you during your air travel experience in Russia, making your journey more efficient and enjoyable.

See Also: City Objects and Places in Russian

Emergency Situations and Safety

While no one wishes for emergencies, it’s crucial to be prepared. Learn essential phrases like “На помощь!” (Help!) and “Как я могу обратиться в полицию?” (How can I contact the police?). These phrases will enable you to seek assistance and ensure your safety during unforeseen circumstances.

While travel is usually a delightful adventure, it’s crucial to be prepared for any unexpected situations that may arise. Familiarizing yourself with basic emergency vocabulary and safety phrases in Russian not only ensures your well-being but also provides peace of mind during your travels. In this article, we will provide you with simple and concrete Russian vocabulary to help you navigate emergency situations and prioritize safety while exploring unfamiliar surroundings.

In times of emergency, knowing how to ask for assistance is vital. Here are crucial phrases to help you seek help:

Помогите! (Help!)

Вызовите скорую! (Call an ambulance!)

Вызовите полицию! (Call the police!)

Где находится ближайший полицейский участок? (Where is the nearest police station?)

Меня ограбили. (I’ve been robbed.)

Я потерял(а) свой паспорт. (I lost my passport.)

Произошёл несчастный случай. (There has been an accident.)

Я нуждаюсь в медицинской помощи. (I need medical assistance.)

Пожар! (Fire!)

Мне нужна помощь с документами. (I need help with my documents.)

Где находится выход? (Where is the exit?)

Можно ли вызвать посольство моей страны? (Can I call the embassy of my country?)

To ensure you are well-equipped to handle unexpected situations during your travels, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with these essential emergency phrases in Russian. Remember to prioritize your safety at all times and act promptly when seeking assistance.

Keep emergency contacts readily accessible and have confidence in your ability to communicate effectively if the need arises. By mastering these practical language skills, you can confidently navigate unforeseen circumstances, guaranteeing a safe and memorable travel experience in Russia. Safe travels!

Accommodation and Hotel Conversations

When planning a trip to Russia, it’s essential to consider the typical types of tourist accommodation available. In major cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, a wide range of hotels caters to different budgets and preferences. From luxury hotels with renowned hospitality to cozy boutique options, travelers can find various choices to suit their needs.

For those looking for more budget-friendly options, хостелы (hostels) can be a great choice, especially for young travelers or those seeking a social atmosphere. Hostels provide affordable accommodation options with shared facilities, ideal for budget-conscious travelers, solo adventurers, or backpackers looking to meet fellow travelers.

Example of a hostel in Siberia

Very often, hostels resemble typical Russian apartments, which can make them challenging to locate as they are often concealed within regular residential buildings. Sometimes, it can be challenging to differentiate them from a regular dormitory. The kitchens in these hostels usually resemble those found in the homes of city residents, which adds a sense of cosiness to these establishments.

Here is a description of one of the hostels in Siberia as an example. The text specifies the location, availability of amenities such as equipment, internet, and other facilities, as well as check-in and check-out times.

Hostel description in Russian

Additionally, guesthouses and bed and breakfast establishments offer a homely experience, often located in charming neighborhoods with personalized service.

Another option is to rent a съёмная квартира (rented apartment). When dealing with landlords, knowing phrases such as “Мне нужно снять квартиру на несколько дней” (I am renting an apartment for a few days) and “Какие услуги включены в стоимость аренды?” (What services are included in the rental price?) can help you communicate your needs effectively.

But keep in mind that in most Russian cities there are only two options for renting an apartment: daily and monthly. If you plan to stay, for example, for a couple of weeks or even three weeks, it would be more cost-effective to pay for the entire month upfront, as the total cost may be higher if you pay on a daily basis.

Basic Hotel-Related Vocabulary

When it comes to choosing accommodation, it’s important to be familiar with different types of hotels, know the names of common hotel facilities, services, specific features and amenities.

The terms “гостиница” [gasteeneetsa] and “отель” [atel’] are both used to refer to hotels in Russian, and they are often used interchangeably. Although in my mind “отель” is always referred to as a more expensive type of lodging for tourists. For example, “пятизвездочный отель” (a five-star hotel).

Here are some other important terms:

ресепшн – reception

номер – room

номер-люкс – suite

одноместный номер (номер для одного) – single room

двухместный (номер для двоих) – double room

номер с двумя кроватями – twin room

ванная комната – bathroom

кондиционер – air conditioning

односпальная кровать – single bed

двуспальная кровать – double bed

дополнительная кровать – extra bed

телевизор – television

утюг – iron

гладильная доска – ironing board

сейф – safe

мини-бар – minibar

ресторан – restaurant

бар – bar

конференц-зал – conference room

бесплатный Wi-Fi – free Wi-Fi

обслуживание номера – room service

бассейн  – swimming pool

спортзал – gym

парковка – parking

Four Seasons Hotel, Ulitsa Okhotnyy Ryad, 2, Moscow, Russia
Four Seasons Hotel, Ulitsa Okhotnyy Ryad, 2, Moscow, Russia

Checking In and Out of Hotels

If you choose to stay in a гостиница (hotel), it’s important to know common phrases when making a reservation. You can say, “Я хочу забронировать номер на несколько дней” (I would like to reserve a room for a few days) or ask, “Какие документы мне нужны для бронирования?” (What documents do I need for the reservation?).

You might be asked questions like these:

На какую фамилию вы бронировали номер? – What name is the reservation under?

На какое время/какой срок вы планируете остаться? – How long will you be staying?

Remember to use common courtesy and basic phrases like “Здравствуйте” (Hello), “Спасибо” (Thank you), and “Пожалуйста” (Please) during interactions with hotel staff. Being polite and respectful will enhance your hotel experience.

During check-in, you might need to provide your reservation: simply say “Вот моя бронь” (Here is my reservation). It’s always helpful to know how to ask for information such as the location of facilities like the ресторан (restaurant), бассейн (swimming pool), or парковка (parking).

When checking into a hotel, these phrases will prove helpful:

  • Здравствуйте, у меня бронь на фамилию… (Hello, I have a reservation under the name…)
  • Сколько стоит номер в сутки на человека? (How does it cost a night per a man.)
  • Сколько стоит одноместный (двухместный) номер? (How much is a single (double) room?)
  • Я хочу заказать номер на одну ночь. (I want to order a room for one night.)
  • Можно мне ключ от номера? (Can I have the key to the room, please?)
  • В номере есть бесплатный Wi-Fi? (Is there complimentary Wi-Fi in the room?)
  • Какие услуги включены в стоимость проживания? (What services are included in the room rate?)
  • Как пройти к нашему номеру? – How do we get to our room from here?
  • До скольки открыт бассейн? – What time is the pool open until?
  • Во сколько подают завтрак? – What time is breakfast served at?

Sample phrases of hotel staff:

Все номера забронированы. – All rooms are booked.

Как долго вы планируете оставаться? – How long will you be staying for?

Ваше имя. – Your name, please?

Паспорт, пожалуйста. – Could I see your passport?

У нас нет свободных двухместных номеров, но есть трёхместный номер. – We don’t have any double rooms, but there’s a triple room available.

К сожалению, заселиться можно только после 4:00 вечера. – I’m afraid you can’t check in until after 4:00 pm.

Бесплатный завтрак подают в холле с 8 до 10 утра. – Complimentary breakfast is served in the lobby between 8 and 10 am.

Вы должны освободить номер к 12 дня. – You have to check-out before 12 p.m.

Я дам вам два ключа от номера. – I’ll give you two room keys.

Вам нужна помощь с багажом? – Would you like any help with your luggage?

Ресторан находится на первом этаже в конце коридора. – The dining room is on the first floor at the end of the hall.

Тренажёрный зал и сауна находятся на последнем этаже. – The weight room and sauna are on the top floor.

When you’re ready to check out of the hotel, use these phrases:

  • Мы уезжаем. Я бы хотел(а) расплатиться. – We’re leaving. I’d like to pay.
  • Я хотел(а) бы уехать на день раньше. – I want to leave one day earlier.
  • Могу ли я оставить свои чемоданы у вас на хранение? (Can I leave my luggage with you for storage?)
  • Помогите, пожалуйста, спустить мой багаж вниз. – Could I have some help bringing my luggage down?
  • Я использовал(а)/не использовал(а) мини-бар. – I have/haven’t used the minibar.
  • В моём счёте ошибка. – There is a mistake in my bill.
  • Я оплачу наличными. (I pay in cash.)
  • Можно попросить такси до аэропорта? (Can I request a taxi to the airport?)
  • Приятно было у вас побывать. (It was nice staying here)

Room Service and Seeking Assistance

Often, there may be issues with rooms or a need for additional services or assistance from hotel staff. In such situations, you can use the following phrases to communicate your concerns or requests:

Я хотел(а) бы заказать завтрак в номер. – I would like to order breakfast in the room.

Я хотел бы продлить мое пребывание на несколько дней. – I’d like to extend my stay for a few days

Можно попросить дополнительные полотенца? – Can I request extra towels?

Можно принести утюг и гладильную доску? – Can I have an iron and ironing board brought up?

Как я могу погладить одежду? – How can I iron my clothes?

Мне нужен утюг. – I need an iron.

Можно вызвать горничную? (Can I request housekeeping?)

In case of any issues, these phrases will be valuable:

В номере не работает кондиционер. (The air conditioner in the room is not working.)

Не работает свет. (Something wrong with light.)

В номере нет горячей воды. (There isn’t any hot water.)

Нет мыла/туалетной бумаги/полотенца/шампуня в моей комнате. – There is no soap/toilet paper/towel/shampoo in my room.

Что-то случилось с душем. (Something wrong with shower.)

Я потерял(а) ключи. (I have lost my keys.)

Снаружи слишком шумно. (It is too noisy outside.)

Я хотел(-а) бы поменять номер. (I’d like to change my room.)

With these simple and concrete phrases at your disposal, your interactions with hotel staff will be smooth and effective. From checking in to checking out, requesting services to reporting issues, confidently express your needs and maintain clear communication. A positive and comfortable accommodation experience awaits as you embrace the beauty of Russia’s hospitality. Enjoy your stay!

Shopping and Bargaining

Exploring local markets and shops is an essential part of any travel experience. To fully immerse yourself in the local culture and get the best deals, it’s essential to understand the art of shopping and bargaining.

Major cities in Russia, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, offer diverse shopping experiences. Explore iconic shopping areas like Stoleshnikov Lane and Tverskaya Street in Moscow or Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg. In addition to large shopping malls, traditional markets like GUM and Eliseevsky Store provide unique and historic shopping environments.

Moscow, Russia
Moscow, Russia

Most stores in Russia are open from around 10 AM to 7 PM, from Monday to Sunday. However, hours may vary depending on the region and individual establishments. Some smaller stores and markets might close earlier on weekends or have reduced hours on public holidays.

Bargaining is not typically practiced in regular retail establishments in Russia. Prices are generally fixed. However, in certain situations like open-air markets or when purchasing antiques or artwork directly from artists or craftsmen, negotiating the price might be possible.

Arm yourself with phrases like “Сколько стоит?” (How much does it cost?) and “Можно скидку?” (Can I have a discount?). By using these phrases, you can negotiate prices and engage in friendly shopping interactions with local vendors.

Tourists can use the verb “купить” to buy things by combining it with appropriate vocabulary and phrases: Я хочу купить эти сувениры. – I want to buy these souvenirs.

See Also: Essential Russian Shopping Vocabulary

Where to Shop

In Russia, various locations are popular for shopping, ranging from bustling city centers to traditional markets. The types of shopping places in Russia are similar to those found in other countries. Let’s focus on the most important ones for tourists

Рынок (market). Markets, both traditional and flea markets, are popular in Russia. Here, you can find a diverse range of products, including fresh produce, local goods, antiques, clothing, souvenirs, and more. Notable markets include Izmailovo Market in Moscow and Udelnaya Flea Market in St. Petersburg.

Clothes market in Russia

Торговый центр or ТЦ (shopping mall). Shopping malls are common in larger cities, housing a variety of shops, boutiques, brand outlets, department stores, restaurants, and entertainment facilities under one roof. Examples include GUM, Aviapark, and Mega Mall.

Супермаркет (supermarket). Supermarkets offer a wide range of food items, groceries, household products, and everyday essentials. Major supermarket chains in Russia include Auchan, Magnit, Perekrestok, and X5 Retail Group (Pyaterochka, Karusel).

Payment Methods and Currencies

Cash is widely accepted in Russia, particularly for smaller transactions or in more local establishments. The official currency is the Russian Ruble (RUB). Credit and debit cards, especially Visa and Mastercard, are generally accepted in larger retail establishments, restaurants, and hotels. Make sure to have some cash on hand for situations where cards may not be accepted.

It is advisable to exchange currency at official exchange offices, banks, or authorized currency exchange booths known as “обмен валюты” [abmyen valyuti]. These are typically found at airports, train stations, major hotels, and shopping areas. Avoid exchanging money on the street or with unofficial vendors to ensure fair rates and avoid scams.

Russian Rubles come in banknotes (bills) and coins. Banknotes are available in denominations of 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 5000 RUB. Coins are available in denominations of 1, 2, 5, and 10 RUB, as well as smaller denominations of kopeks (subunits of the Ruble, rarely used due to low value). Keep small denomination notes and coins for convenient transactions, as some businesses may have difficulty providing change for larger bills.

Having a combination of cash and cards enables flexibility and convenience during your trip to Russia.

See Also: Money Vocabulary in Russian

Must-Know Phrases for Shopping

Polite and friendly interactions with shopkeepers go a long way in Russia. Here are some phrases to help you get started:

Спасибо, я просто смотрю. – Thank you, I’m just looking. (Use this phrase to politely decline assistance when you are browsing without intending to buy.)

Сколько стоит? – How much does it cost?

У вас есть…? – Do you have…?

Мне нужно вот это. – I need this one. / Мне понравилось это. – I like this. (Use this phrase to express your interest or satisfaction with a particular item.)

Можно посмотреть? – Can I have a look?

Можно примерить? – Can I try this on?

Где находится примерочная? – Where is the fitting room?

Какого размера этот свитер? – What size is this sweater?

У вас есть другие цвета/размеры? – Do you have other colors/sizes?

Вы можете сделать скидку? – Can you give me a discount?

Это слишком дорого. – This is too expensive.

Сколько будет стоить, если я возьму два? – How much will it cost if I take two?

Есть гарантия? – Is there a warranty? (Use this phrase when inquiring about the warranty or guarantee policy for the product you wish to purchase.)

Remember to be polite and use “Пожалуйста” for “please/here you are” and “Спасибо” for “thank you” during your shopping interactions.

Once you’ve settled on a price, it’s time to complete your purchase. Here are phrases to assist you:

  • Я возьму его/её. (I’ll take it.)
  • Можно чек? (Can I have a receipt?)
  • Можно оплатить картой? (Can I pay by card?)
  • У вас есть пакет? (Do you have a carrier?)

With these simple and concrete phrases, you’ll confidently navigate the shopping scene in Russia and embrace the culture of bargaining. Engage with shopkeepers, negotiate prices with finesse, and make memorable purchases while exploring the local markets. Remember, shopping is not just about the items; it’s about the experience and connections made along the way. So put your haggling skills to the test, enjoy the vibrant market atmosphere, and return home with unique treasures and cherished memories of shopping in Russia.

Russian souvenirs

Exploring Tourist Attractions and Sightseeing

Cultural Landmarks

Russia’s cultural landmarks offer a glimpse into its rich history. Here are some essential vocabulary words to enhance your experience:

  • Дворец (palace). Marvel at the opulence of grand palaces like the Winter Palace (Зимний дворец) in St. Petersburg or the Catherine Palace (Екатерининский дворец) in Pushkin.
  • Храм (temple). Visit iconic Orthodox churches like St. Basil’s Cathedral (Храм Василия Блаженного) in Moscow.
  • Музей (museum). Immerse yourself in art and history at renowned museums like the State Hermitage Museum (Государственный Эрмитаж) in St. Petersburg.
  • Крепость (fortress). The Peter and Paul Fortress (Петропавловская крепость) in St. Petersburg, an impressive stronghold housing the Peter and Paul Cathedral.
  • Площадь (square). Red Square (Красная площадь) in Moscow, home to iconic sites like St. Basil’s Cathedral and the Kremlin.

Other types of landmarks include:

церковь – church

башня – tower

сад – garden

мост – bridge

парк – park

памятник – monument

Natural Wonders

Russia’s diverse landscapes boast extraordinary natural wonders that are sure to leave you in awe. Don’t miss:

  • Lake Baikal (озеро Байкал) in Siberia, the deepest and oldest lake in the world.
  • Kamchatka Peninsula (Камчатка) with its stunning volcanic landscapes, geysers, and hot springs.
  • The Golden Ring (Золотое кольцо), a collection of historic cities northeast of Moscow, each with its unique charm and ancient architecture.
  • Mount Elbrus (Эльбрус) in the Caucasus Mountains, the highest peak in Russia and Europe.

Russia boasts vast expanses of untouched wilderness, from the dense taiga forests in Siberia to the pristine lakes of Karelia. Tourists can immerse themselves in the grandeur and solitude of these remarkable natural landscapes, experiencing a sense of awe and tranquility.

Russia, Orenburg region, Luna village
Russia, Orenburg region, Luna village

Altai Republic, located in the southern part of Siberia, is a captivating tourist destination known for its breathtaking natural beauty and unique cultural heritage. Nestled amidst stunning mountain ranges, pristine lakes, and lush forests, the region offers a diverse range of experiences for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those interested in immersing themselves in local traditions.

See Also: Russian Geographic Glossary of Landscapes and Landforms

Altai Republic, Russia
Altai Republic, Russia

Exploring Unique Architectural Marvels

Russia’s architecture is renowned for its grandeur and diversity. Don’t miss these architectural gems:

  • The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (Храм Спаса на Крови) in St. Petersburg, characterized by its vibrant and intricate mosaic façade.
  • The Bolshoi Theatre (Большой театр) in Moscow, a world-renowned opera and ballet house.
  • The Kremlin (Московский Кремль) in Moscow, a majestic complex housing historical buildings, churches, and stunning cathedrals.
  • The Palace Square (Дворцовая площадь) in St. Petersburg, surrounded by magnificent structures such as the Winter Palace.

This is only a small part of Russia’s historical buildings. You can find more information on specialized travel websites.

Peterhof, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Peterhof, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Final Words

Learning Russian vocabulary for travel is not only beneficial but also essential for a seamless and rewarding experience in Russian-speaking regions. The ability to communicate in the local language opens doors to deeper connections, cultural understanding, and a sense of empowerment while exploring unfamiliar territories. By familiarizing yourself with key phrases and expressions, you can navigate with confidence, engage with locals, and fully immerse yourself in the rich Russian culture.

As you embark on your language-learning journey, remember that practice is key. Challenge yourself to use your newfound vocabulary whenever possible, whether it’s ordering food, asking for directions, or engaging in small talk with locals. Embrace the beauty of the language and the culture it represents.

Fortunately, there are numerous resources available for further learning. Online language courses, language exchange programs, and travel phrasebooks can further enhance your language skills and expand your vocabulary. Take advantage of these resources to continually improve and deepen your understanding of the Russian language.

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