Transportation Vocabulary: Vehicle Names (with Pronunciation)
There are different types of vehicles that one can use for their convenience. We use different names of machines that transports people in everyday speaking, so it’s better to learn at least the basic ones.
Here’s a list for you with most common types of vehicles (including transcription) that will help you increase your vocabulary.
Vehicle Names
транспорт [transpart] – transport, vehicle
транспортное средство (средство передвижения) – mean of transportation
колесо [kaleeso] – wheel
моноколесо [monakaleeso] – unicycle
коньки [kan’kee] – skates
роликовые коньки (ролики) – roller skates
сани [sanee] – sled
скейтборд – skateboard
гироскутер [geeraskooter] – hoverboard
самокат [samakat] – scooter
электросамокат – electric scooter
скутер – motor scooter
велосипед [vyelasipet] – bicycle
мопед [mapyet] – moped
мотоцикл [matatsikl] – motorcycle
автомобиль [aftamabeel’] – automobile, car
машина [mashina] – car
автобус [aftobus] – bus
школьный автобус – school bus
поезд [poest] – train
такси [taksee] – taxi
трамвай [tramvay] – tram
троллейбус [tralyeyboos] – trolleybus
метро [myetro] – subway
See Also: City Objects and Places in Russian
грузовик [groozaveek] – lorry; truck
фура [foora] – semi-truck
фургон [foorgon] – van
микроавтобус – minibus
трактор [traktor] – tractor
бульдозер [bool’dozyer] – bulldozer
самолёт [samalyot] – airplane
вертолёт [vyertalyot] – helicopter
дирижабль [deereezhabl’] – airship
воздушный шар – air balloon
лодка [lotka] – boat
подводная лодка – submarine
катер [katyer] – speedboat
яхта [yachta] – yacht
корабль [karabl’] – ship
Want to learn vocabulary in pictures with pronunciation? Watch the video below!
Transportation Verbs
Transportation verbs in Russian refer to actions related to the movement and transportation of people or goods. We use them with vehicle names.
ездить/ехать – to go, to ride
This verb is used when referring to someone traveling or riding in a vehicle.
For example:
Я еду домой. – I’m going home (by vehicle).
Мы поедем на поезде завтра утром. – We will depart by train tomorrow morning.
кататься – to ride, to go for a ride
It refers to the action of taking a ride or engaging in recreational movement, often involving vehicles or modes of transportation.
Я люблю кататься на велосипеде. (I enjoy riding a bicycle.)
Они решили по кататься на роликах в парке. (They decided to go rollerblading in the park.)
В выходные мы собираемся покататься на лыжах. (We plan on skiing during the weekend.)
Ежегодно в городе организуются мероприятия, где дети могут покататься на аттракционах. (Annually, events are organized in the city where children can ride on amusement park attractions.)
The verb “кататься” is often used with a specific mode of transportation, such as bicycles, rollerblades, skis, skateboards, or amusement park rides. It conveys the idea of enjoying the movement or ride, usually in a leisurely or recreational manner.
водить – to drive, to operate
Я умею водить машину. – I know how to drive a car.
Ты умеешь водить трактор? – Can you operate this tractor?
The verb “водить” is used when referring to the act of driving or operating a vehicle, such as a car, bus, bicycle, tractor, etc.
летать/лететь – to fly
This verb is used when referring to traveling by air or flying.
Я лечу в Москву на самолёте. – I’m flying to Moscow by plane.
Они летят в другую страну. – They are flying to another country.
плавать/плыть – to swim, to sail
This verb is used when referring to traveling by water or sailing.
Мы плывем на корабле по реке. – We are sailing on a ship along the river.
Он плавает на лодке по озеру. – He is boating on the lake.