Sentence Structure: The Ultimate Guide to Russian Word Order

In language, word order plays a crucial role in conveying meaning and structuring sentences. The study of Russian word order provides valuable insights into the unique characteristics of the language. This article explores the patterns and rules governing Russian word order, shedding light on its nuances and providing examples to enhance understanding.

Basic Word Order in Russian

At its core, Russian adheres to a Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) word order, typical of many languages. This means that the subject precedes the verb, which is then followed by the object. For instance, “Я читаю книгу” (I am reading a book) follows the SVO pattern. However, Russian allows for flexibility and variations within this basic word order structure.

The subject can be omitted in certain situations. This is known as an implied or elliptical subject. The subject omission often occurs when the subject is already understood from the context or when it is obvious who or what is performing the action.

For example:

Что ты делаешь? (What are you doing?)

Смотрю телевизор. (I’m watching TV.)

Subject omission is common in informal and conversational speech, as well as in certain written genres where brevity is preferred, such as headlines or advertisements. However, in more formal or precise contexts, it is generally recommended to include the subject to ensure clarity and avoid ambiguity.


The verb typically occupies the second position. The subject usually precedes the verb, and the other sentence components — such as objects, adverbs, or adverbial phrases — follow after the verb.

Basic word order in Russian sentences

Here are some examples to illustrate the verb placement in Russian sentences:

Я иду в школу. – I am going to school.

Verb: иду (am going)

Subject: Я (I)

Он читает книгу. – He is reading an interesting book.

Verb: читает (is reading)

Subject: Он (he)

Sometimes word order can change, especially in colloquial speech. This change typically occurs when we want to emphasize something. For example, in interrogative questions like “Читаю ли я книгу?” (Am I reading the book?), the verb is placed before the subject to highlight the action.

Other examples:

Сходил ли я в магазин? – Have I been to the store? (For example, when someone asks you if you bought the thing they asked for.)

Помыл ли я руки? Да, помыл. – Did I wash my hands? Yes, I did.

Let’s take a look at one of our previous examples: “Я читаю книгу“.

Can it be “Я книгу читаю”? Yes, for example, when your mom tells you to do the dishes and you respond with this sentence to indicate that you are busy reading a book.

Now, can it be “Читаю я книгу“? Hm, let me think. There are two cases, I suppose. The first one is when the sentence is interrogative. But in that case, you should use “ли,” as shown in the examples I mentioned earlier: ‘Читаю ли я книгу?

The other situation is when we are telling a story. Often, when recounting a past event that happened to us, we begin with the verb.

Читаю я, значит, книгу. И тут в окно залетает голубь. – I was reading a book. And then a pigeon flies in through the window. (“значит” is just an interjection)

Иду я в школу, значит, и тут в меня врезается автобус. – I’m walking to school and a bus crashes into me.

Сижу я себе спокойно дома вечером, смотрю телевизор, и тут внезапно приходит полиция. – I’m sitting quietly at home in the evening, watching TV, and suddenly the police come.

Imperative sentences often have the verb placed at the beginning as well. But it happens because the subject is omitted.

The order of words in a sentence is often based on putting the new or important information towards the end. It often happens with the verbs, when you need to emphasize the action/effect/event.

Ему это не нравится. – He doesn’t like it.

Я всё это знаю. – I know all that.

Она его не любит. – She doesn’t love him.

Interrogative sentences have the same structure as declarative ones.

Я иду домой. – I’m going home.

Ты идёшь домой? – Are you going home?

When you add a question word to it, the order still remains the same:

Куда ты идёшь? – Where are you going?

Что он делает? – What’s he doing?

See Also: 50+ ‘What’ Questions in Russian


Adjectives typically come before the noun they modify. The correct sentence structure is adjective-noun order, where the adjective precedes the noun. The adjective agrees with the noun in gender, number, and case.

Он читает интересную книгу. – He’s reading an interesting book.

Я не люблю жирную пищу. – I don’t like fatty foods.

However, there are cases when the adjective comes after the noun, creating a reversed word order. This pattern is often used for emphasis or to convey a specific meaning.

Placing the adjective after the noun creates emphasis on the adjective itself, drawing attention to its quality or characteristic. For example, “Этот чай вкусный” (This tea is delicious) emphasizes the adjective “вкусный” (delicious) to highlight the specific quality of the tea.

Other examples:

Эта куртка стрёмная. – This jacket is ugly.

Ты говорил, что суп невкусный, но мне он понравился. – You said the soup wasn’t good, but I liked it.

Russian word order


Adverbs in Russian can be placed in different positions within a sentence, depending on the intended emphasis or clarity.

Th adverb “ещё не” (not yet, still not)  always precede verbs:

Они ещё не закончили. – They’re not done yet.

Some adverbs often come before the verb: часто (often), иногда (sometimes), всегда (always), обычно (usually), редко (rarely).

Я редко хожу на концерты. – I rarely go to concerts

Иногда он спал лишь около двух часов. – Sometimes he only slept for about two hours.

В Нью-Йорке всегда есть на что посмотреть. – There is always something to see in New York.

Degree adverbs usually preceede verbs and adjectives: очень (very), сильно (strongly), немного (a little), вполне (completely).

Канада имеет очень большой и разнообразный спектр географических особенностей. – Canada has a very large and diverse range of geographic features.

Цены на продукты вполне соответствуют местным зарплатам. – The prices are quite in line with the local wages.

Time-related adverbs and expressions утром (in the morning), вечером (in the evening), ночью (at night), летом (in summer), зимой (in winter), в апреле (in April), в 1990 году (in 1990) etc. can be used at the beginning or end of the sentence.

Напиток следует употреблять утром и вечером. – The drink should be used in the morning and the evening.

Зимой люди часто носят шерстяные шапки. – It is common for people to wear wool hats in winter.

В 1991 году Советский Союз был распущен после краха его коммунистического правительства. – In 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved following the collapse of its communist government.

See Also: 100+ Most Popular Russian Adverbs

Word Order in Complex Sentences

In complex sentences with subordinate clauses, word order can be influenced by the introduction of subordinating conjunctions. These conjunctions affect the placement of verbs and other sentence elements within the subordinate clause.

Word order in Russian complex sentences

In the main clause of a complex sentence, the verb is typically placed in its usual position, which is after the subject. The word order in the main clause remains relatively straightforward and follows the typical Subject-Verb-Object pattern.

The placement of the verb in a subordinate clause can vary, and it can be positioned either before or after the subject. This flexibility in word order allows for different ways to structure subordinate clauses in complex sentences.

Всегда грустно, когда эпоха заканчивается.

Всегда грустно, когда заканчивается эпоха .

(It is always tragic when an era comes to a close.)

Both sentences are correct.

But it’s not always allowed to rearrange the order of words in a sentence randomly. For example, this sentence has only one correct version:

Я поеду на пляж, если будет хорошая погода. – I will go to the beach if the weather is good.

And this sentence has two versions, but the second one can be only used in informal speech:

Она заснула, когда погас свет.

Она заснула, когда свет погас.

(She fell asleep when the lights went out.)

Subordinate clauses starting with “кто” (who) or “что” (what) have the typical SVO pattern:

Я не понял, что это было. – I didn’t understand what it was.

Неизвестно, что он делал во время войны. – We don’t know what he did during the war.

Russian word order offers possibilities for stylistic variations and emphasis. Shifting the typical word order can create stylistic diversity and place emphasis on specific elements within a sentence.

To truly get the hang of how sentences are structured in Russian, it’s crucial to immerse yourself in reading materials. The more you expose yourself to Russian literature, articles, and other written content, the more you’ll encounter various word order patterns. Think of it as a fun adventure where you explore how native speakers play around with word order to achieve different effects.

By reading widely, you’ll start to notice sentence structures in action. Over time, you’ll build a natural feel for how words are positioned in Russian sentences. Plus, reading isn’t just about word order—it helps you learn new vocabulary, improve comprehension, and strengthen overall language skills.

So, my friends, include reading as a regular part of your language learning routine. Dive into Russian books, blogs, or news articles.

Wishing you all the best on your Russian language journey! Happy reading, and enjoy the beauty of the Russian language!

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