Farming Lexicon: A Guide to Agricultural Vocabulary
The tranquil landscape of the countryside, with its vast fields and charming villages, holds a significant place in our hearts and plays a crucial role in our societies. Amidst these idyllic surroundings, agriculture and farming flourish, sustaining livelihoods and nurturing communities.
Have you ever dreamed of living a simpler life close to nature? Picture yourself surrounded by vast green fields, the gentle sounds of livestock, and the scent of fresh hay. If farming and rural life intrigue you, then you’ve come to the right place.
What is a Russian Village
In the Russian language, the word “ферма” [fyerma] does exist and refers to a farm. However, it’s worth noting that traditionally, farming in Russia is often associated with small villages rather than large-scale farms. These villages, known as “село” [seelo] or деревня [deeryevnya], are where many people cultivate their land, grow crops, and raise livestock.
The concept of self-sufficiency and living off the land has deep roots in Russian culture. In these villages, you’ll often find vast expanses of fields where farmers grow wheat, barley, vegetables, and other crops. Livestock, such as cows, sheep, and chickens, roam freely, contributing to the rural idyll.
Agriculture in these areas typically involves both small-scale subsistence farming and larger plots used for cultivating crops like oats and other grains.
The timing for planting in Russia can vary significantly due to its vast size and diverse climate. In general, planting starts in Russia typically begins in the spring, usually between April and June, depending on the specific region and weather conditions.
Oats are typically planted in Russia in the spring, from late April to early June, depending on the specific region and local climate conditions. The exact timing for planting oats can vary due to the vastness of Russia and the diversity of its climate.
Harvesting of oats in Russia usually takes place in late summer or early autumn. The harvest time for oats typically falls between late July and early September, again dependent on the region, weather conditions, and the specific variety of oats being cultivated.
While the image of a farm in the Western sense might not be as prevalent in Russia, the principles of sustainable agriculture and rural self-reliance still thrive.
Сельское поселение (rural settlement) is a traditional agricultural villages with a small population engaged in farming, livestock rearing, or other rural-based activities.
“Посёлок” [pasyolak] is a term used in Russia to refer to a type of settlement that is larger than a village but smaller than a town or city. It can be translated as “settlement” or “townlet” in English. Посёлок typically implies a residential area with a more developed infrastructure compared to smaller villages.
In Russia, many city dwellers also have their own houses outside of urban areas with small vegetable gardens where they can relax and grow vegetables. It’s called дача and serves as a secondary residence or vacation home where people escape to spend their weekends, holidays, or summers away from the city. Dachas serve as a way for people to connect with the outdoors and have a break from urban life.
“СНТ” (Садоводческое некоммерческое товарищество) is a “Gardening Nonprofit Association”, a form of organized collective gardening communities or allotment associations in Russia.
SNTs are usually established to provide individual members with дача plots. These plots are smaller than traditional agricultural fields and are intended for recreational gardening and cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers, or other plants. Such plots are usually located outside the city or on its outskirts.
Members of an SNT typically have private ownership of their individual plots within the association’s land. However, the land itself is collectively owned and managed by the association as a whole.
Дачный посёлок is a settlement predominantly consisting of dachas. They are most often located not far from the city.
See Also: City and Town Vocabulary in Russian
Vocabulary Word List for Describing the Countryside
Basic terms
сельская местность – countryside
деревня – village
хутор – hamlet
ферма – farm
фермер – farmer
агроном – agronomist
пастух – shepherd
природа – nature
растение – plant
земля – land
луг – meadow
овраг – ravine
речка – river
озеро – lake
ручей – stream
поляна – clearing
лес – forest
трава – grass, herb
сено – hay
тюк сена – bale of hay
стог сена – haystack
сорняк – weeds (plural сорняки)
удобрение – fertilizer
инсектицид – insecticide
мульча – mulch
урожай – harvest
урожайность – yield
пашня – plowed land
зерно – grains
корм – feed
стадо – herd
стая – flock
семена – seeds
почва – soil
компост – compost
молоко – milk
яйца – eggs
мёд – honey
See Also: Deep Dive into Russian Food Vocabulary
Agricultural Environment and Activities
сельское хозяйство – agriculture
сельскохозяйственная техника – agricultural machinery
животноводство – animal husbandry
птицеводство – poultry farming
растениеводство – crop production
садоводство – gardening
поле – field
полевые работы – fieldwork
сенокос – haymaking
жатва – reap
уборка урожая – harvesting
плантация – plantation
ирригация – irrigation
пастбище – pasture
пасека – apiary
улей – beehive
огород – vegetable garden
грядка – garden bed
теплица – greenhouse
виноградник – vineyard
инкубатор – hatchery
фруктовый сад – orchard
клумба – flowerbed
амбар/сарай – barn
курятник – coop
хлев/стойло/стайка – stall, stable
загон – enclosure
конюшня – stable (for horses)
ветряная мельница – windmill
забор – fence
ворота – gate
пугало – scarecrow
ведро – bucket
Instruments and Machines
ручной инструмент – hand tool
коса – scythe
лопата – shovel
тяпка – hoe
вилы – pitchfork
грабли – rake
серп – sickle
секатор – pruner
косилка – mower
плуг – plow
грузовик – truck
трактор – tractor
комбайн – combine harvester
See Also: Exploring the Various Types of Vehicles in Russian
Crops and Livestock
сельскохозяйственные культуры – agricultural crops
пшеница – wheat
овёс – oats
рожь – rye
ячмень – barley
кукуруза – corn
овощи – vegetables
фрукты – fruits
скот – livestock
крупный рогатый скот – cattle
домашняя птица – poultry
корова – cow
бык – bull
телёнок – calf
овца – sheep
баран – ram
ягнёнок – lamb
коза – goat
свинья – swine
поросёнок – piglet
боров – hog
лошадь – horse
конь – horse (male)
кобыла – mare
жеребёнок – foal
осёл – donkey
мул – mule
кролик – rabbit
курица – hen
петух – rooster
цыплёнок – chick
утка – duck
селезень – drake
утёнок – duckling
гусь – goose (pl. гуси)
индюк – turkey
bee – пчела (pl. пчёлы)
домашние животные – pets, domestic animals
See Also: An Inclusive Compilation of Over 100 Animal Names in Russian
Expressions for Talking about the Countryside
If you need to describe village life, a rural landscape, or talk about agriculture, it is important to know the appropriate vocabulary. In this section, I have gathered useful phrases, expressions, and example sentences that will assist you in discussing farming without any difficulties.
Farming Activities
Activities in the countryside are as varied as the landscapes themselves. Walking along scenic paths, cycling through undulating fields, or simply enjoying a picnic surrounded by the beauty of nature are just a few of the countless possibilities awaiting those who seek solace in rural areas. Gardening enthusiasts can explore their green thumbs by nurturing their own plots, while adventure-seekers can embark on exciting expeditions like mushroom picking or berry gathering. The countryside truly offers something for everyone, satisfying a wide range of interests and passions.
The following expressions should help you describe various farming activities in Russian.
заниматься сельским хозяйством – engage in agriculture/farming
убирать/собирать урожай – harvest crops
собирать урожай – gather crops
полоть огород – weed the garden
кормить животных – feed animals
молоть зерно – grind grain
сеять семена – sow seeds
сажать цветы/овощи – plant flowers/vegetables
выращивать овощи и фрукты – cultivate vegetables and fruits
поливать грядки – water the garden beds
пасти скот – herd livestock
чистить стайки – clean the stables
опрыскивать растения – spray plants
удобрять поля – fertilize fields
косить траву – cut the grass
заготавливать сено – haymaking
обрабатывать почву – cultivate the soil
гулять по полям – walk through the fields
поджигать костёр – light a bonfire
кататься на велосипеде – ride a bicycle
ловить бабочек – catch butterflies
устраивать пикник на природе – organize a picnic in nature
гулять по лесу – take a walk in the forest
отдыхать на свежем воздухе – relax in the fresh air
жарить шашлык – barbecue
ловить рыбу – catch fish
собирать ягоды – gather berries
собирать грибы – gather mushrooms
доить корову – milk the cow
собирать яйца – collect the eggs (from the hens)
Examples of Discussing the Countryside
Here are some examples of how you can talk about village life in Russian.
Я очень люблю природу. Обычно на выходных я предпочитаю проводить время на свежем воздухе в деревне. – I really love nature. Usually, on weekends, I prefer to spend time outdoors in the countryside.
В сельской местности можно насладиться тишиной и спокойствием, вдали от городской суеты и шума. – In the countryside, you can enjoy peace and tranquility, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Сельский домик с садом и огородом даёт возможность выращивать свои овощи и наслаждаться свежими продуктами. – A rural cottage with a garden and vegetable plot allows growing one’s own vegetables, and enjoying fresh produce.
Просторные луга, покрытые цветами, и спокойные речки, медленно текущие по живописным пейзажам, создают идеальную атмосферу сельской местности. – Spacious meadows covered with flowers and tranquil rivers flowing slowly through the picturesque landscapes create the perfect atmosphere of the countryside.
Несколько лет назад наша семья переехала из большого города в деревню. Теперь я никогда не обменяю чистый воздух и прекрасную природу на городскую суету. – A few years ago our family moved from the big city to the countryside. Now I would never trade clean air and beautiful nature for the hustle and bustle of the city.
Throughout our journey, we have discovered a rich range of expressions and phrases that allow us to paint vivid descriptions of rural landscapes, discuss countryside activities, and capture the essence of country life.
By expanding our vocabulary to encompass the richness of countryside-themed terms, we open doors to meaningful conversations about agriculture, village life, and the picturesque scenery that defines rural areas. Through the appropriate use of expressions and phrases, we can transport our readers into the heart of idyllic landscapes, allowing them to visualize the beauty and charm that the countryside embodies.
So, whether you yearn for the peacefulness of a dacha surrounded by blooming gardens, the thrill of exploring hidden trails, or the joy of rejoicing in the simplicity of rural life, the countryside vocabulary in Russian will serve as an essential tool to articulate your experiences and convey the magic of these serene settings.