Snow, Cold and Skating: Winter Vocabulary Word List
Winter is a wonderful, absolutely unique season. It’s snowy, icy, cold, sometimes frosty, but still very cosy and warm – when you think about winter you remember about warm clothes and reading books in front of a fireplace. For many of us it’s the best time of the year.
Winter has it’s own vocabulary and in this post we’ll be learning new words and phrases that are associated with this season.
Here’s a video vocabulary for you, if you prefer:
Weather/climate (Погода/климат)
The weather in Russia during winter can vary significantly depending on the region. Due to Russia’s vast size and diverse climate zones, the winter weather conditions can vary from extremely cold in the northern regions to milder temperatures in the south.
Here’s the vocabulary for climate events:
снег [snyek] – snow
Идёт снег. – It’s snowing.
снегопад [snyegapat] – snowfall
снеговик [snyegaveek] – snowman (also снежная баба)
снежинка [snyezhinka] – snowflake
снежный – snowy
лёд [lyot] – ice
ледяной – icy
холод [holat] – cold
холодно – it’s cold
мороз [maros] – frost
Вчера ночью был мороз. – There was a frost last night.
морозный – frosty
морозное утро – frosty morning
метель / вьюга / пурга – blizzard
снежная буря – snowstorm
сугроб – snowdrift
каток – (ice) rink
коньки – skates
сани – sledge (informal санки)
See Also: Talking about the weather in Russian
Winter clothes (зимняя одежда)
During winter in Russia, people wrap themselves in warm and protective clothing to combat the chilly temperatures. Thick coats, fur hats, and heavy scarves are common essentials for battling the frosty weather.
Layering is key, with sweaters, thermal tops, and long-sleeved shirts providing extra warmth. Insulated boots, gloves, and thick socks help to keep feet and hands cozy in the cold.
Additionally, Russians often wear thermals and insulated leggings or tights underneath their pants for added insulation. Overall, the emphasis is on bundling up with durable and insulated garments to brave the winter elements.
Here’s what people usually wear in winter:
шапка [shapka] – winter hat, beanie
шарф [sharf] – scarf
зимняя куртка [koortka] – winter coat
свитер [sveetyer] – sweater
варежки [varyeshkee] – mittens
перчатки [pyerchatkee] – gloves
носки [naskee] – socks
зимняя обувь – winter shoes
зимние сапоги – winter boots
валенки [valyenkee] – felt boots
тёплые вещи / тёплая одежда – warm clothes
Winter activities (зимние занятия)
In winter we can do things that are only possible during this season.
Winter in Russia offers a wide range of delightful activities that embrace the beauty of the season. From embracing the thrill of downhill skiing and snowboarding to gracefully gliding across ice rinks while ice skating, there’s no shortage of ways to embrace the winter wonderland.
кататься на лыжах – to ski
кататься на коньках – to ice skate
Когда я был мальчиком, я обожал кататься на коньках. – When I was a boy, I used to love ice-skating.
кататься на санках – to sled
играть в снежки – to play snowballs
лепить снеговика – to build a snowman
See Also: Seasons and Months in Russian
чистить снег – to shovel snow
греться – to get warm
греться у камина – to warm yourself in front of the fireplace
замерзать/мёрзнуть – to freeze
Я замёрз(ла). – I’m cold (I’m frozen).
кататься с горки – to ride down the hill
валяться в снегу – to roll in the snow
зимняя рыбалка – ice fishing
сноубординг – snowboarding
хоккей (на льду) – ice hockey
I hope, this comprehensive winter vocabulary word list has provided you with an extensive collection of terms that capture the essence of the winter season.
Stay warm, stay curious, and keep exploring the enchanting world of winter through the power of language. You might do it by listening to the music as well. Enjoy!