What are you wearing? Russian Vocabulary for Clothing

По одежке встречают” is a popular Russian saying that reflects the significance of the things we wear in making a first impression. Translated as “They judge by appearances,” this saying emphasizes the role of attire in shaping initial perceptions (the full version is, by the way, “Встречают по одёжке, а провожают по уму” ).

Clothing is not merely a practical necessity; it’s a way to show our personal style, cultural identity, and unleash our creative side. Whether it’s our everyday outfits or those fancy get-ups for special occasions, clothing is a reflection of trends, traditions, and our unique tastes.

So, in this article, we’re diving into the vibrant world of Russian vocabulary for clothing, learning all the words and phrases that will help you express yourself, understand fashion chats, and have those awesome conversations about personal style in Russian

Names of Clothes

Clothes in Russianодежда [adyezhda] – clothes

майка [mayka] – vest

футболка [futbolka] – t-shirt

рубашка [roobashka] – shirt

блузка [bloozka] – blouse

жилет [zhilyet] – waistcoat

пиджак [peedzhak] – single-breasted jacket

толстовка [tolstovka] – hoodie

кофта [kofta] / кардиган [cardeegan] – cardigan

свитер [sveetyer] – sweater

штаны [shtany] – trousers

брюки [bryukee] – formal trousers

купальник [koopal’neek] – swimsuit

нижнее бельё [neezhnyeye belyo] – underwear

трусы [trusi] – underpants

пижама [peezhama] – pyjamas

ночная сорочка [nochnaya sarochka] – nightdress

халат [halat] – bathrobe

джинсы [dzhinsy] – jeans

комбинезон [kambinyezon] – overalls

шорты [shorti] – shorts

юбка [yupka] – skirt

платье [plat’ye] – dress

носки [naskee] – socks

шляпа [shlyapa] – hat

бейсболка [beysbolka] – baseball hat

верхняя одежда [vyerhnyaya adyezhda] – outerwear

куртка [koortka] – jacket

пальто [pal’to] – overcoat

пуховик [puhovik] – winter jacket

шапка [shapka] – winter hat

шарф [sharf] – scarf

перчатки [perchatkee] – gloves

варежки [varyezhkee] – mittens

See Also: Winter Vocabulary in Russian

Shoes (Обувь)

Shoes in Russian

туфли [tooflee] – shoes

тапки [tapkee] – espadrilles

сандалии [sandaleeyee] – sandals

шлёпки [shlyopki] – slides

сланцы [slantsy] – flip-flops

домашние тапочки [damashniye tapachki] – slippers

кроссовки [krasovki] – sneakers

бутсы [bootsi] – boots (special [usually leather] shoes designed for football and rugby)

кеды [kyedy] – baseball boots

ботинки [batinki] – lace-up boots

сапоги [sapagi] – boots

резиновые сапоги – rubber boots

калоши [kaloshee] / галоши [galoshee] – overshoes

Galoshes are protective boots coverings worn over regular shoes to keep them dry and protected from rain, mud, or snow. They are typically made of waterproof material such as rubber or plastic and can be easily slipped on and off over shoes to provide an extra layer of protection against the elements.

валенки [valyenki] – felt boots

угги [oogee] – ugg boots

бахилы [baheeli] – shoe covers, baggies (usually used in hospitals)

In Russia, you may often hear words like “тапок”, “кроссовок”, “сандаль”, “туфель”, “бахил”, when talking about ONE item. However, these are actually feminine nouns and sound like “тапка“, “кроссовка“, “сандалия“, “туфля” and “бахила” in the singular.

All of the following nouns are masculine and have a different singular form: кед, шлёпанец, сланец.

To get the pronunciation of each clothing item right, make sure to check out the video below.


Accessories (Аксессуары)

To complete their look, people wear accessories. Here is the list of basic accessories in Russian with transcription:

очки [achkee] – glasses

сумка [soomka] – bag

рюкзак [ryukzak] – rucksack

галстук [galstook] – tie

ремень [ryemyen’] – belt

зонт [zont] – umbrella

браслет [braslyet] – bracelet

кольцо [kaltso] – ring

серьги [syer’gee] – earrings

брошь [brosh] – brooch

цепочка [tsepochka[ – chain

Talking About Clothes

When talking about clothes in Russian, it’s also helpful to know the basic verbs, adjectives and phrases related to clothing.

See Also: How to Describe Appearance in Russian

Clothing Verbs

There are quite a few verbs we use to talk about clothes, and they can be a bit challenging to understand at first.

носить – to wear

Я обычно ношу джинсы. – I usually wear jeans.

одевать – to dress someone (used when talking about dressing someone else or helping them put on clothes)

Я одеваю ребенка. – I am dressing the child.

одеваться – to get dressed (the act of dressing oneself)

Она одевается очень быстро. – She gets dressed very quickly.

надевать – to put on

Холодает, надень пальто. – It’s getting cold, put on a coat.

Что на тебе надето? – What are you wearing?

The Russian verbs “носить“, “надевать“, and “одеваться” all relate to the act of wearing or getting dressed, but they have slightly different meanings and usage.

Носить” is a general verb that means “to wear” or “to carry.” It refers to the habitual action of wearing something on a regular basis. It can also imply the act of carrying or having something with you. For example:

  • Я ношу эту куртку каждый день. – I wear this jacket every day.
  • Она носит с собой сумку. – She carries a bag with her.

Надевать” specifically means “to put on” and refers to the action of putting clothing or accessories onto oneself. It emphasizes the act of physically wearing or putting something on:

  • Он надевает пальто перед выходом. – He puts on his coat before leaving.
  • Надень шапку, чтобы не замерзнуть. – Put on your hat to keep warm.

Одеваться” means “to get dressed” or “to dress oneself.” It refers to the process of putting on clothes or getting ready in general. It implies a more comprehensive action of dressing from head to toe:

  • Она всегда одевается стильно. – She always dresses stylishly.
  • Малыш учится самостоятельно одеваться. – The toddler is learning to dress himself.

Also, there is a verb for shoes – обуваться. It is used specifically to describe the act of putting on footwear or getting dressed in shoes. It follows the same grammatical pattern as “одеваться”, but focuses specifically on the action of wearing shoes.

For example:

Я обуваюсь перед выходом из дома. – I put on my shoes before leaving the house.

The reflexive form одеваться/обуваться indicates that the subject is dressing themselves or putting on their own shoes.

Clothing verbs in Russian

So, “носить” is used to describe the habit of wearing, “надевать” emphasizes the act of putting something on, and “одеваться” relates to the overall process of getting dressed.

снимать – to take off

Снимайте обувь. – Take off your shoes.

раздеваться – to get undressed

Перед проведением процедуры надо раздеваться. – It is necessary to get undressed for the procedure.

How to describe clothes

When describing clothes in Russian, you can provide details about various aspects such as the color, style, fabric, fit, patterns, and any notable features. Here are some useful adjectives to help you describe clothes:

стильный [steel’niy] – stylish

модный [modniy] – fashionable

красивый [kraseeviy] – beautiful

удобный [oodobniy] – comfortable

тёплый [tyopliy] – warm

лёгкий [lyohkeey] – light

качественный [kachyestvyeniy] – high-quality

яркий [yarkeey] – bright

простой [prastoy] – simple

элегантный [elyegantniy] – elegant

практичный [prakteechniy] – practical

современный [savreemyenniy] – contemporary

спортивный [sparteevniy] – sporty

классический [klasseechyeskeey] – classic

повседневный [pafseednyevniy] – casual

экстравагантный [ekstravagantniy] – extravagant

изысканный [eeziskaniy] – exquisite

чистый [cheestiy] – clean

грязный [gryazniy] – dirty

помятый [pamyatiy] – wrinkled

выглаженный [viglazheniy] – ironed

Example Sentences

Я ношу… – I wear…

Мне нравится эта рубашка. – I like this shirt.

Это стильная футболка с ярким принтом. – This is a stylish T-shirt with a bright print.

Он носит простую и практичную одежду. – He wears simple and practical clothes.

Молодежь предпочитает спортивный стиль одежды. – The youth prefer a sporty style of clothing.

Этот свитер изготовлен из качественного материала. – This sweater is made of high-quality material.

Классическое чёрное платье всегда смотрится элегантно. – A classic black dress is always elegant.

Экстравагантные наряды привлекают внимание на вечеринках. – Extravagant outfits attract attention at parties.

Какой у тебя размер? – What size do you wear?

Этот джемпер тёплый и удобный. – This sweater is warm and comfortable.

У меня есть красное платье. – I have a red dress.

Посмотрите на мой аккуратно выглаженный пиджак. – Look at my perfectly pressed linen jacket.

Once you get comfortable with this clothing vocab, you’ll be rocking your fashion game, ready to hit the stores and have awesome conversations about clothes in Russian! If you need any more help or have more questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

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