Russian Vocabulary for Work: Essential Words Handbook

In today’s globalized world, language skills are increasingly essential for career advancement. This is particularly true for the Russian-speaking job market, where proficiency in work-related terminology can significantly enhance professional prospects.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we will explore fundamental aspects of job-related language, including job applications, interviews, workplace communication, and more. My goal is to help you feel more confident in the Russian job market. I want to give you the language skills you need to succeed and thrive in your career.

So, let’s learn some words and expressions relating to work and employment. I already have a Jobs and Professions List in Russian. Now it’s time to talk about work in general. We’ll also learn how to describe what you do.

If you want an audiovisual version of this lesson, watch the video below:


Basic Job Terminology in Russian

Navigating the job market requires a solid grasp of job-related vocabulary. We’ll begin with a list of the most basic words before progressing to more advanced topics.

труд – labor

работа – work, job

работодатель – employer

работник – employee, worker

сотрудник – employee, staff member, cooperator

штат сотрудников – staff

занятость – employment

карьера – career

вакансия – vacancy

резюме – resume, CV

собеседование – job interview

отдел – department

обязанности – duties, responsibilities

коллега – colleague

руководитель – supervisor, manager

директор – director

начальник – boss

персонал / кадры – personnel

специальность / профессия – profession

должность – post, position, appointment

стажировка – period of trainee

стажёр – trainee

навык – skill

производительность – performance

The word “труд” can be considered a synonym for “работа” in certain contexts. Both words refer to work or labor. However, the word “труд” often carries a more general or abstract connotation, emphasizing the act or concept of work as a fundamental human activity. It can encompass various types of work, including both physical and mental efforts.

Работа” tends to be a more commonly used and versatile term for referring to a specific job or occupation. While these words share similarities, it’s essential to consider the context in which they are used to determine the most appropriate usage.

Basic job vocabulary in Russian

See Also: 20 Top Russian YouTube Channels to Practice Listening Skills

There are many other words derived from the word работа:

работать – to work

работник – employee

рабочий – laborer, blue-collar worker (noun), working (adj.)

работающий – working, employed

нерабочий – non-working

неработающий – non-working, idle, unemployed

работодатель – employer

подработка – part-time job, side work

переработка – overtime work, processing

обработка – processing

проработать – to work through, to go through

отработать – work off

работоспособность – workability, ability to work

работоспособный – capable of working, fit for work

безработица – unemployment

безработный – unemployed

If you understand the meaning of the prefixes and how word formation works in the Russian language, it will be easier to comprehend and remember words.

Workplace Terms and Phrases

Workplaces are diverse environments where people come together to collaborate, contribute, and pursue their professional goals. Whether it’s an office, a hospital, a school, or any other setting, effective communication is vital for smooth operations and successful teamwork.

By understanding commonly used expressions, you’ll be equipped to engage in effective workplace communication and build positive relationships with colleagues.

Here’s the vocabulary word list:

компания – company

офис – office

миссия – mission

команда – team

проект – project

задача – task

встреча – meeting

перерыв – break

совещание – meeting

работа в команде – teamwork

срок, дедлайн – deadline

презентация – presentation

отчёт – report

обратная связь – feedback

сотрудничество – collaboration

профессиональное развитие – professional development

Explore a treasure trove of additional workplace vocabulary in my article, “Office Vocabulary in Russian“. You won’t want to miss out on all the helpful words and phrases awaiting you!

Employment Status and Contracts

In Russia, the landscape of employment offers various types of work arrangements and opportunities for individuals to establish their professional careers. Understanding the different types of employment is crucial for both job seekers and those seeking to expand their knowledge of the Russian job market.

Types of employment in Russian

Полная занятость (full-time employment) is a prevalent form of work arrangement in Russia. Individuals who work full-time typically have a permanent position with set working hours and a stable salary. They are entitled to certain employment benefits and protections provided by labor laws.

Частичная занятость (part-time employment) refers to a work arrangement where individuals work fewer hours compared to a full-time position. Part-time workers have more flexibility in their schedules, allowing them to pursue other activities or attend to personal matters. However, part-time employees may have limited access to certain benefits and protections compared to full-time employees.

Работа по трудовому доровору (contractual employment) is an agreement between an employer and an employee for a specified period. This type of employment is common for project-based work or when hiring individuals for a specific task or duration. Employment terms and conditions, including salary, duration, and responsibilities, are outlined in the contract.

Удалённая работа (remote work) has gained significant popularity in recent years, fueled by advancements in technology. Remote workers have the flexibility to work from their preferred location, such as their home or co-working spaces.

Фриланс (freelancing) and самозанятость (self-employment) have experienced considerable growth in Russia. Freelancers offer their services on a project basis, working independently for multiple clients. Self-employment involves individuals operating their own businesses and assuming full responsibility for their work and financial well-being.

Example of a freelance website in Russian – one of the oldest freelance websites in Russia

Vocabulary list:

условия работы – working conditions

постоянная работа – permanent job

временная работа – temporary job

сменная работа (работа по сменам) – shift work

работа по договору– work under the contract

заработная плата – salary (also: зарплата)

сверхурочная работа – overtime

договор – contract

испытательный срок – probation period

льготы, пособия – benefits

график работы – work schedule

гибкий график работы – flexitime / flexible work schedule

рабочее время – working hours

выходной день – day off

отпуск – leave

декретный отпуск – maternity leave

больничный – sick leave

смена – shift

повышение – promotion

увольнение – resignation

прекращение трудового договора – termination of employment (contract)

Keep in mind that this list provides a good starting point for basic job terminology in Russian. The employment landscape is vast and constantly evolving, so there may be additional terms specific to certain industries or professions. Use this list as a foundation, and continue building your vocabulary as you delve further into the Russian job market.

See Also: Travel Vocabulary in Russian

Essential Verbs and Expressions

When talking about work in Russian, various verbs and expressions come into play. Here are some commonly used ones:

искать работу – to look for a job

Я ищу работу. – I’m looking for a job.

найти работу – to find a job

Она наконец нашла работу своей мечты. – She finally found her dream job.

устроиться на работу – to get a job

The reflexive verb устраиваться (устроиться) is commonly used when talking about getting a job in Russian. It is commonly used when referring to the process of securing a position or getting hired for a particular position or role within a company or organization.

Я устраиваюсь на новую работу. – I am getting a new job.

Он устроился на должность менеджера. – He got hired for the manager position.

Она устроилась на полную занятость. – She got a full-time job.

получать зарплату – to get paid

зарабатывать на жизнь – to earn one’s living

See Also: A Beginner’s Guide to Russian Finance Terminology

нанимать (perf. нанять) – to hire

The verb “нанимать” in Russian is used to express the action of hiring or employing someone.

Мы нанимаем новых сотрудников каждый месяц. – We hire new employees every month.

Они наняли дизайнера для разработки логотипа. – They hired a designer to create the logo.

сокращать (perf. сократить) – make redundant

The verb “сокращать” in Russian is used to express the action of reducing or downsizing in a work context.

Руководство приняло решение сократить штат сотрудников в ближайшем будущем. – The management has made a decision to downsize the staff in the near future.

увольнять (perf. уволить) – dismiss, fire

увольняться (perf. уволиться) – resign, quit

уволиться по собственному желанию – quit voluntarily

In the realm of employment, changes and transitions are inevitable. Two important verbs used in Russian to discuss such transitions are “уволить” and “увольняться” (уволиться). While “уволить” refers to the action of dismissing or firing someone from their job, “увольняться” (уволиться) signifies voluntarily leaving one’s job.

The verb “уволить” is commonly employed to describe the act of an employer dismissing or firing an employee from their job. It denotes a decision made by the employer or higher authority to terminate an individual’s employment contract. This action can happen due to various reasons, such as poor performance, misconduct, or organizational restructuring.


Меня вчера уволили. – I got fired yesterday.

Менеджер уволил своего сотрудника из-за нарушения правил корпоративной политики. – The manager fired their employee for violating corporate policies.

Компания решила уволить несколько сотрудников из-за финансовых трудностей. – The company decided to lay off several employees due to financial difficulties.

The reflexive verb “увольняться” (уволиться) is used when an employee voluntarily leaves their job. It indicates a personal decision made by the employee to resign from their position. Individuals may choose to leave for various reasons, such as pursuing new opportunities, career growth, or personal circumstances.


Я уволился потому, что хотел сосредоточиться на своем собственном бизнесе. – I quit because I wanted to focus on my own business.

Он хочет уволиться. – He wants to quit.

повысить – to promote

The verb “повысить” conveys the idea of elevating or promoting an individual to a higher position or rank within their professional environment. Being “повышен” (promoted) is seen as a significant achievement and an opportunity for career progression.

Руководство решило повысить его до позиции заместителя директора. – The management decided to promote him to the position of deputy director.

Компания повысила несколько сотрудников за их важный вклад и превосходные результаты. – The company promoted several employees for their significant contributions and excellent outcomes.

Меня повысили. – I got promoted.

Я недавно был повышен до руководящей должности в нашей компании. – I was recently promoted to a managerial position in our company.

получить повышение – to get a promotion

выходить на пенсию – to retire

To say “to retire” or “to go into retirement,” use the phrase “выходить/выйти на пенсию” (informal уходить/уйти на пенсию).

Он планирует выйти на пенсию в следующем году. – He is planning to retire next year.

Я на пенсии. – I’m retired.

бросать работу – quit a job

уйти с работы – leave a job

The expression “уйти с работы” is used to express the action of leaving or quitting a job. It signifies the departure or resignation from employment.

Он решил уйти с работы и начать свой собственный бизнес. – He decided to quit his job and start his own business.

Я ушёл с последней работы из-за конфликта с руководством. – I left my last job due to a conflict with the management.

Я думаю об уходе с работы, так как не доволен условиями. – I am considering leaving my job due to dissatisfaction with the conditions.

менять работу – to change jobs

развивать навыки – to develop skills

выполнять задачи – to perform tasks

делиться опытом – to share experience

сотрудничать – to collaborate

When discussing working relationships and collaboration, the verb “сотрудничать” is used to convey the act of collaborating, cooperating, or working together with others.

Мы сотрудничаем с другими компаниями для расширения наших рыночных возможностей. – We collaborate with other companies to expand our market opportunities.

Мы готовы сотрудничать с вами для достижения общих целей. – We are ready to cooperate with you to achieve common goals.

Мы успешно сотрудничали с партнерами на протяжении последних нескольких лет. – We have successfully cooperated with partners for the past few years.

Они завершили сотрудничество после успешной реализации проекта. – They concluded their collaboration after a successful project implementation.

работать посменно – to work in shifts

работать над проектом – to work on a project

работать удалённо – to work remotely

В нашей компании многие сотрудники работают удалённо. – In our company, many employees work remotely.

работать сверхурочно – to work overtime

работать над собой – to work on oneself/self-improvement

Я стараюсь работать над собой, развивать свои навыки и умения. – I strive to work on myself, develop my skills and abilities.

работать вахтой/вахтовым методом – to work on a rotational shift basis

Он работает вахтой на нефтяной вышке в течение двух месяцев, а потом две недели отдыхает. – He works on a rotational shift basis on an oil rig for two months and then has two weeks off.

работать в команде – to work as part of a team

Важно уметь работать в команде и эффективно взаимодействовать с коллегами. – It is important to know how to work as part of a team and collaborate effectively with colleagues.

работать с клиентами – to work with clients

Он имеет опыт работы с клиентами и хорошо общается с людьми. – He has experience working with clients and communicates well with people.

See Also: 100 Verbs Every Intermediate Russian Learner Should Know

Where do you work?

Being able to confidently discuss your job in Russian opens the door to meaningful conversations and connections with others. When asked, “Где ты работаешь?” or “Кем ты работаешь?“, it’s an opportunity to share details about your employment and engage in discussions about your professional life.

Note that these are two different questions that inquire about different aspects of your job.

Asking about job in Russian

The question “Где ты работаешь?” (Where do you work?) seeks information about the specific location or place where you work. It aims to understand the physical or organizational setting of your job.

Example answers:

Я работаю в банке. (I work at a bank.)

Я работаю в университете. (I work at a university.)

Я работаю в международной компании. (I work at an international company.)

Я работаю на почте. – I work at the post office.

See Also: How to Use the Prepositions В And На

Other places:

  • в офисе – in an office
  • в отеле – in a hotel
  • в больнице – in a hospital
  • в магазине – in a shop
  • в школе – in a school

You can also name a specific department or area of expertise.

Я работаю в отделе маркетинга. – I work in the marketing department.

Я работаю в продажах. – I work in sales.

Я работаю в консалтинге. – I work in consulting.

Кем ты работаешь?” (What do you do for a living? / What is your job?) focuses on the nature of your occupation or role in the workplace. It seeks information about your specific job or professional responsibilities.

Example answers:

Я работаю врачом. (I work as a doctor.)

Я работаю учителем. (I work as a teacher.)

Я работаю программистом. (I work as a programmer.)

Tw wrap up, you might use:

Я работаю в/на… (I work at…) followed by the name of the company, organization, or institution.

Я работаю… (I work as…) followed by your profession or job title in the instrumental case.

There is also the third option: “Я работаю на…” (I work for…) followed by the name of the employer.

Я работаю на своего отца. – I work for my father.

To provide more insight into your job, you can share specific activities, responsibilities, or projects you are involved in. It gives the listener a greater understanding of your work and showcases your expertise.


В мои обязанности входит разработка стратегических планов и управление командой. – My responsibilities include developing strategic plans and managing a team.

Effectively discussing your job in Russian involves using different structures and expressions to answer questions about your workplace. It also includes expanding on your role, discussing the work environment, and sharing your enthusiasm or challenges. By showcasing the various aspects of your employment, you create engaging conversations that foster connections and deeper understanding.

How to Describe Your Job: Examples

Describing your job in Russian involves providing details about your profession, responsibilities, and other relevant information.

Begin by stating your profession or job title. Use the appropriate noun form in the instrumental case to describe what you do.


Я работаю учительницей. (I work as a teacher.)

Mention the field or industry in which you work. This gives context to your job and provides clarity about the broader scope of your profession.

Я работаю учительницей в средней школе. (I work as a teacher in a secondary school.)

Я работаю воспитателем в детском саду. (I work as a teacher.)

Explain the responsibilities and tasks you undertake as part of your job. This helps others understand the nature of your work and your role within the organization.

В мои обязанности входит подготовка учебных материалов, проведение уроков, и оценка работы шольников. (My responsibilities include preparing teaching materials, conducting lessons, and evaluating student work.)

Describe how your work makes a difference or the impact it has on others. This adds depth and significance to your job description, highlighting its importance.

Моя работа помогает школьникам развивать навыки и получать знания, которые способствуют их будущему успеху. (My work helps students develop skills and acquire knowledge that contributes to their future success.)

Feel free to include any relevant details about your work environment, the team you work with, or other notable aspects that make your job unique or interesting.

Я работаю в коллективе опытных преподавателей, совместно с которыми мы разрабатываем учебные программы. (I work within a team of experienced teachers with whom we collaborate on developing innovative educational programs.)

By following these steps, you can effectively describe your job in Russian, providing a comprehensive overview of your profession, responsibilities, and impact. It enables others to understand and appreciate your role, fostering engaging and meaningful conversations about your work.

Another job description example:

Я работаю менеджером по продажам сельскохозяйственного оборудования. В этой сфере я уже 5 лет. В среднем получаю 60 тысяч рублей в месяц. Работаю пять дней в неделю. Большую часть рабочего дня провожу в разъездах.

Enlish translation:

I work as an agricultural equipment sales manager. I have been in this field for 5 years. On average I get 60 thousand rubles a month. I work five days a week. I spend most of my working day on the road.

See Also: Mastering Self-Introduction in Russian

Practical Job Ad Examples

The job ads provide an opportunity for learners to discover new vocabulary related to employment in Russian. By studying the language used in these examples, learners can expand their vocabulary and develop a better understanding of professional terms and expressions.

The ad begins with a clear and concise job title (название вакансии), often followed by the company name (название компании) and brief information about the company, its industry, and its values (информация о компании).

Vacancy in Russian: Example

Обязанности (Responsibilities). This section describes the specific responsibilities and duties associated with the role. It outlines the tasks and functions the candidate will be expected to perform, providing a clear understanding of their role within the company.

Требования (Requirements). This section lists the qualifications (требуемая квалификация), skills (навыки), and experience (опыт работы) required for the job. It may include educational requirements, such as высшее образование (higher education), владение языками (language proficiency), and any additional prerequisites necessary to be considered for the position.

Job ad in Russian: Requirements

Условия работы (Work Conditions) .This section highlights details about the work conditions (условия работы) associated with the position. It may include information about the work schedule (график работы), location (местоположение), remote work possibilities (возможность удалённой работы), travel requirements (командировки), and other relevant factors impacting the work environment.

Job ad working conditions in Russian

Some ads may include information about the salary range (диапазон зарплаты), bonuses (бонусы), benefits (льготы) such as healthcare (медицинское страхование), vacation time (отпуск), and additional perks offered by the company.

Here’s another job ad example:

Job ad in Russian: Example

And here’s a list of common vocabulary used in job ads:

основные обязанности – main responsibilities

конкретные задачи – specific tasks

требуемая квалификация – required qualifications

разработка стратегии – strategy development

ведение документации – document management

Soft Skills and Personal Traits:

  • коммуникабельность (communication skills)
  • стрессоустойчивость (stress tolerance)
  • ответственность (liability)
  • пунктуальность (punctuality)
  • лидерские качества (leadership qualities)

Benefits and Compensation:

  • конкурентная зарплата (competitive salary)
  • медицинское страхование (medical insurance)
  • гибкий график работы (flexible work schedule)

I hope that makes sense. Let’s move on to the next section.

Job Application and Interviews

When pursuing job opportunities in Russia or within Russian-speaking environments, understanding the vocabulary related to job applications and interviews is essential. I will provide the key Russian vocabulary and phrases used throughout the job application process, including useful expressions commonly employed during job interviews, preparing you to confidently answer questions and discuss your qualifications and experiences.

Application Materials

A resume in Russian is called “резюме” or “CV.” It is a concise summary of your qualifications, work experience, skills, and education. When crafting your resume, include the following sections:

  • Информация о себе (Personal Information): Include your full name, contact details (address, phone number, email), and any other relevant personal information.
  • Опыт работы (Work Experience): List your previous positions, starting with the most recent one. Include the company name, job title, dates of employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements.
  • Образование (Education): Provide details of your educational background, including degree(s), institution names, dates attended, and any notable achievements or honors.
  • Навыки (Skills): Highlight your relevant skills, such as technical skills, language proficiency, computer skills, or any other abilities that are applicable to the job you are applying for.
  • Дополнительная информация (Additional Information): Add any additional relevant information, such as certifications, publications, or volunteer work.

A cover letter, known as “сопроводительное письмо,” is an opportunity to introduce yourself, express your interest in the position, and showcase why you are a suitable candidate. End the letter with a professional closing, such as “С уважением” (Sincerely) or “С наилучшими пожеланиями” (Best regards), followed by your name and contact information.

Other useful words:

рекомендации – references

портфолио – portfolio

отклик на вакансию – job application

отказ – refusal, rejection

Job Interview Vocabulary

An interview in Russian is known as “собеседование.” It is a formal meeting between a candidate and a potential employer to assess the candidate’s qualifications and suitability for the job.

During the interview, the interviewer will ask a variety of questions to learn more about you and your qualifications. Here are some common interview questions:

Почему вас заинтересовала эта вакансия? – What sparked your interest in this position?

Почему вы хотите работать именно у нас? – Why do you want to work for us?

Почему вы хотите уйти со своей нынешней работы? – Why do you want to leave your current job?

Как вы оцениваете свои навыки и квалификацию для этой должности? – How do you evaluate your skills and qualifications for this position?

Расскажите о себе. – Tell us about yourself.

Какие ваши сильные стороны? – What are your strengths?

Какие ваши слабые стороны? – What are your weaknesses?

Расскажите о своем опыте работы, связанном с данной областью. – Tell me about your experience related to this field.

Кем вы видите себя через несколько лет? – Who do you see yourself as in a few years? (Where do you see yourself in a few years?)

Кем вы видите себя через 5 лет? – Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Job interview meme in Russian

See Also: 50+ Russian ‘What’ Questions

Effective verbal communication skills are crucial during job interviews. To communicate your qualifications clearly and confidently, it is important to use appropriate vocabulary and phrases. Here are some helpful expressions:

У меня есть опыт работы в данной области. – I have experience working in this field.

Я обладаю сильными коммуникативными навыками. – I possess strong communication skills.

Мне нравится работать в команде и вносить свой вклад. – I enjoy working in a team and making a contribution.

To answer the question “Почему вы подходите на эту должность?” (Why are you well-suited for this position?) in Russian, you can provide a thoughtful response by emphasizing your qualifications, skills, and relevant experience. Here is a sample answer:

Я считаю, что я хорошо подхожу на эту должность по нескольким причинам. Во-первых, у меня есть соответствующий опыт работы в данной области. Я проработал(а) несколько лет в схожей роли, где я углубил(а) свои навыки и приобрел(а) экспертизу, необходимую для данной должности.

Во-вторых, мои навыки и качества позволяют мне успешно выполнять требуемые задачи. Я обладаю сильными аналитическими способностями и умею эффективно решать проблемы. Мои коммуникативные навыки позволяют мне легко взаимодействовать с коллегами и клиентами, что важно для данной должности.


I believe I am well-suited for this position for several reasons. Firstly, I have relevant work experience in this field. I have worked in a similar role for several years, where I have deepened my skills and acquired the expertise necessary for this position.

Secondly, my skills and qualities enable me to successfully perform the required tasks. I have strong analytical abilities and can solve problems effectively. My communication skills allow me to easily interact with colleagues and clients, which plays an important role in this position.

By familiarizing yourself with these key interview terms and practicing relevant vocabulary and phrases, you will be better equipped to communicate your qualifications effectively and confidently during your job interview in a Russian-speaking environment. Good luck!

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