Beyond “To Be”: An Introduction to Russian Positional Verbs

In Russian, describing the location and position of objects goes beyond merely using the verb “to be” as we do in English. Russian has an extensive vocabulary of verbs that provide more nuanced detail about where exactly something is and how it is positioned in space. In this article, we will explore the main Russian…

Russian for Business – Decoding Crucial Terminology

Whether you’re looking to do business in Russia or simply want to understand Russian economic news better, learning some key Russian business vocabulary can help. Russian has many specific terms related to economics, business structures, finances, and commerce that don’t have exact equivalents in English. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the most…

Spotting the Differences Between Говорить, Разговаривать, and Сказать

Russian has multiple verbs that can be translated as “to speak” or “to talk” in English. At first glance, words like говорить, разговаривать and сказать seem interchangeable. However, there are subtle but important differences in how each verb is used. In this post, we will compare these verbs and look at when to use each…

Sweet Talk: A Guide to Russian Words of Affection

Russians have an extensive vocabulary for conveying intimacy and fondness in relationships. From creative nicknames to loving diminutives, the language is rich with possibilities to communicate warmth. In this blog, we’ll explore the wonderful world of Russian affectionate names and expressions used among friends and loved ones. Nicknames Based on Names In Russian culture, it…

Highlights of Russian TV: Famous Programs from Yesterday and Today

For over 80 years, television has held a cherished place in Russian homes. Since the first puzzling broadcast flickered over the Soviet airwaves in 1931, TV has informed, entertained and sometimes even confounded generations of Russian viewers. The screens may have gotten flatter and more colorful, but many of the beloved shows remain deeply embedded…

A Helpful Introduction to Russian Participles

In Russian grammar, participles play an important role in conveying nuanced meaning and tying together different parts of a sentence. As verbal adjectives, participles express the secondary actions, states, or qualities of the nouns they modify. Understanding how to recognize and properly use participles is key for communicating complex ideas in Russian. In this post,…

Formal vs Casual: Navigating Russian Speech Etiquette

The Russian language has distinct formal and informal linguistic registers. Knowing when and how to appropriately use formal or informal speech is an important skill for effective communication in Russian. Russian speakers switch between formal and informal language depending on the situation, relationship with the listener, and desired impact. For non-native speakers, navigating these nuances…

The Prepositional Case in Russian – Explained and Simplified

Russian grammar can be a challenging terrain for learners, and one of the key features that often perplexes students is the use of cases. Among these cases, the prepositional case (предложный падеж) plays a vital role in conveying location and position. In this comprehensive guide, I will break down the intricacies of the prepositional case,…

Russian Abstract Nouns: The Ultimate Glossary

Abstract nouns refer to intangible ideas, states, qualities, and concepts. Unlike concrete nouns, they have no physical form. For example, “любовь” (love) and “справедивость” (justice) are abstract nouns, while “стол” (table) and “яблоко” (apple) are concrete nouns. In Russian, abstract nouns can be of any gender – masculine, feminine, or neuter. They function grammatically just like…