Spice Up Your Russian: A Guide to Essential Interjections

Have you ever watched a Russian movie or listened to a conversation and wondered what those little bursts of sound meant? Those are interjections, and they add a whole new layer of meaning and emotion to spoken Russian. While they may seem like small words, they can be powerful tools for expressing yourself naturally and…

Russia’s Vast Urban Landscape: The 10 Biggest Cities

If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably interested in the Russian language and everything related to it. But how much do you know about the country where the majority of native speakers live? How many Russian cities do you know? Probably not many. And that’s okay. Russia has a vast number of cities and towns,…

Highlights of Russian TV: Famous Programs from Yesterday and Today

For over 80 years, television has held a cherished place in Russian homes. Since the first puzzling broadcast flickered over the Soviet airwaves in 1931, TV has informed, entertained and sometimes even confounded generations of Russian viewers. The screens may have gotten flatter and more colorful, but many of the beloved shows remain deeply embedded…

Formal vs Casual: Navigating Russian Speech Etiquette

The Russian language has distinct formal and informal linguistic registers. Knowing when and how to appropriately use formal or informal speech is an important skill for effective communication in Russian. Russian speakers switch between formal and informal language depending on the situation, relationship with the listener, and desired impact. For non-native speakers, navigating these nuances…

What to Read in Russian: 13 Great Free Resources

Reading articles, stories, and news in Russian is one of the best ways to improve your language skills. It builds vocabulary, improves comprehension, and exposes you to real-world grammar and expressions. In this post, I have compiled a list of great websites and blogs that publish free articles in Russian. They cover a wide range…

Russian Wisdom Bites: Life in Quotes

Sometimes it’s good to hear or read some thoughts from other people. Especially, famous ones. Delve into the depths of life’s tapestry with these evocative quotes, each a brushstroke on the canvas of human experience. From the timeless reflections of literary greats like Ivan Turgenev and Fyodor Dostoevsky to the contemporary insights of figures like…

Russian Traditions: A Journey through Holidays and Celebrations

Russians love holidays. If you google a date, for example, today (Какой сегодня праздник?), you are sure to find information about something being celebrated on that day. It is usually referred to as ‘День чего-то‘ (Day of Something): День объятий (Hug Day), День борьбы с ожирением (Fight against Obesity Day), День любителей сыра (Cheese Lovers’…

Learn Russian Through Proverbs: 50 Must-Know Sayings

Learning a new language involves more than just mastering grammar rules and vocabulary. To truly understand and appreciate Russian, it is essential to delve into its cultural nuances and expressions. Russian proverbs, with their rich history and profound meanings, provide a window into the Russian soul. They often use vivid imagery and figurative language, making…

A Journey through Soviet Cinema: 10 Must-Watch Films for Russian Learners

As a Russian myself, I grew up watching Soviet movies and they have always been a staple of Russian TV. These classic films may not all be good, but they are still revered and held in high regard. As a language learner, watching movies in the target language can be a fun and effective way…