How to Convey Condolences Properly in Russian

Expressing condolences is an important part of offering comfort and support during times of loss. For learners of the Russian language, knowing the appropriate phrases and understanding the nuances between formal and informal situations is essential.

This article will guide you through common expressions for conveying condolences in Russian, distinguishing between formal and informal contexts. Additionally, it will cover how to properly respond when receiving condolences, helping you navigate these sensitive situations with confidence.

Phrases for Expressing Condolences


When expressing condolences in formal situations, such as to colleagues, acquaintances, or in professional settings, it’s important to use respectful and solemn language in Russian. Some of the most common formal expressions include “Мои соболезнования” (My condolences) and “Примите мои искренние соболезнования” (Please accept my sincere condolences).

These phrases convey a sincere sentiment of sympathy while maintaining an appropriate level of formality. Variations like “Выражаю соболезнования в связи с вашей утратой” (I express condolences on the loss you have suffered) and “Позвольте выразить искренние соболезнования” (Allow me to express sincere condolences) directly acknowledge the person’s grief.

In formal contexts, it’s also common to extend condolences on behalf of an organization or company using “От имени (компании/организации) приносим глубокие соболезнования” (On behalf of (company/organization), I extend deep condolences). This demonstrates respect and conveys the institution’s sympathies.

See Also: Polite Expressions in Russian

Some more examples of formal condolence expressions in Russian:

Мы разделяем Вашу боль и горечь утраты. – We share your pain and bitterness of loss.

Примите наши самые искренние соболезнования в связи с невосполнимой утратой. – Accept our most sincere condolences on the irreplaceable loss.

Позвольте выразить наши глубочайшие соболезнования. – Allow us to express our deepest condolences.

Пусть память об усопшем навсегда останется в ваших сердцах. – It is a heavy loss, may the memory of the deceased forever remain in your hearts.

Вся наша компания разделяет вашу скорбь. – Our entire company shares your grief.

Выражаю самые искренние cоболезнования вам и вашей семье. – I convey the most sincere condolences to you and your family.

These phrases maintain a serious, respectful tone suitable for more formal situations when expressing condolences to those who are not close friends or family members (to colleagues, acquaintances or in official capacities).

The key is to strike a balance between sincerity and formality when choosing condolence expressions for professional or unfamiliar situations in Russian.

When expressing condolences formally in Russian, certain verbs are commonly used to convey sympathy and grief. Here are some key verbs and how they are employed:

Выражать – to express

This verb is used in phrases like “Выражаю искренние соболезнования” (I express sincere condolences) to state one’s condolences directly.

Разделять – to share

By using “Мы разделяем вашу скорбь/боль/горечь утраты” (We share your grief/pain/bitterness of loss), this verb shows you are sharing in the sorrow.

Приносить – to extend; to bring

Приношу глубокие соболезнования” (I extend deep condolences) uses this verb to formally offer condolences.

Позволять/позволить – to allow

Phrases like “Позвольте выразить соболезнования” (Allow me/us to express condolences) ask for permission to state one’s sympathies.

Принимать – to accept

This verb is used when saying “Примите наши соболезнования” (Accept our condolences) to have the recipient formally receive the expressed condolences.

These verbs help formally convey one’s emotional condolences while maintaining the serious, respectful tone expected in Russian in professional or unfamiliar contexts.


For informal situations when expressing condolences to close friends or family in Russian, you can use simpler, more casual phrasing. The most basic way is to say “Соболезную” which directly translates to “I offer condolences.”

While the same formal condolence phrases like “Примите мои искренние соболезнования” can be used, it’s important to adjust the verb form to the informal “you” to create a warmer, more intimate tone.

For example:

Прими мои искренние соболезнования.
Please accept my sincere condolences.

You can also shorten some phrases:

Мои соболезнования тебе и твоей семье.
My condolences to you and your family.

Мне очень жаль. / Я очень сожалею. – I’m so sorry.

The use of the informal “you” (ты/тебе instead of Вы/Вам) and making phrases shorter creates a more personal, casual tone when offering condolences to loved ones in Russian. The words still express sympathy, but in a warmer, more intimate way.

See Also: How to Use Formal and Informal Russian

Responding to Condolences

When receiving condolences in Russian, the simplest and most common response is to say “Спасибо” – Thank you. This brief acknowledgment is acceptable, especially if you are overwhelmed by grief.

However, you can also choose to express your gratitude more elaborately:

Большое спасибо за поддержку.
Thank you very much for the support.

Спасибо за сочувствие.
Thank you for your condolences/sympathy.

Благодарю за добрые слова.
I’m grateful for your kind words.

Ваше сочувствие очень много для меня значит.
Your sympathy means a lot to me.

These phrases using “spasibo” and “blagodaryu” allow you to graciously accept the condolences while acknowledging the sympathy and support expressed. The tone should remain sober and sincere in keeping with the solemnity of the situation.

It’s important to at least say a brief “Спасибо” to show you have received the condolences, even if expanding further is too difficult in that moment of grief.

The tone should be warm but sober, acknowledging the somber situation while graciously accepting the condolences extended to you.

Comforting others and expressing sincere condolences is a meaningful aspect of human interaction, regardless of the language spoken.

Learning the common condolence phrases and when to use formal or informal language will help you express sympathies properly in Russian.

Remember to also practice responding gracefully when receiving condolences yourself. With dedication and practice, you can develop the linguistic and social skills necessary to navigate these emotionally-charged situations with sensitivity and tact.

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