Bathroom & Hygiene Vocabulary: Essential Guide
Гигиена (hygiene) is an important part of our daily routine which keeps us clean and healthy. In our everyday lives, being able to communicate effectively about bathroom-related topics is crucial.
This article aims to provide you with key vocabulary on this topic, enabling you to confidently navigate bathroom situations, discuss personal hygiene, and engage in everyday conversations.
Here’s the vocabulary list with transcription.
ванная [vannaya] – bathroom (with a bathtub)
ванна [vanna] – bathtub
принадлежности для ванной и туалета – bathroom and toilet accessories
принимать ванну – to take a bath
душ [doosh] – shower
принимать душ – to take a shower
мыться [mitsa] – to bathe
Тебе нужно помыться. – You need to bathe.
ополаскиваться [apalaskeevatsa] – to rinse, to have a quick wash
туалет [tooalyet] – toilet, lavatory
Я хочу в туалет. – I want to go to the toilet.
Извините, где здесь туалет? – Excuse me, where’s the bathroom?
When it comes to discussing the act of going to the toilet in Russian, there are a few common expressions and phrases used.
to express the action of going to the toilet, you can use the verb “ходить в туалет“, which translates to “to go to the toilet” in English.
If you want to indicate the specific nature of the visit, you can use additional verbs:
- писать [peesat’] refers to going to the toilet for urination.
- какать [kakat’] indicates going to the toilet for defecation.
You can also you this phrase (a little old-fashioned):
Мне нужно в уборную. (I need to go to the restroom.)
It’s worth noting that discussing bathroom-related topics can be considered personal and context-dependent. Use your judgment and consider the level of formality and familiarity when engaging in conversations related to this subject.
туалетная бумага – toilet paper
унитаз [ooneetas] – toilet, lavatory pan
раковина [rakaveena] – sink
кран [kran] – tap, faucet
зеркало [zyerkala] – mirror
See Also: Rooms, Furniture and Things Around the House in Russian
полотенце [palatyentse] – towel (plural полотенца)
мыло [mila] – soap
жидкое мыло – liquid soap
намыливать – to soap
мыть руки – to wash hands
Часто мойте руки с мылом не менее двадцати секунд. – Wash your hands often with soap for at least twenty seconds.
зубная щётка – toothbrush
зубная паста – toothpaste
чистить зубы – to brush teeth
ополаскиватель для рта – mouthwash
электрическая зубная щётка – electric toothbrush
футляр для зубной щётки – toothbrush case
See Also: Kitchen Utensils and Equipment in Russian
мочалка [machalka] – washcloth, loofah
губка [goopka] – sponge
шампунь [shampoon’] – shampoo
пена [pyena] – foam
гель для душа – shower gel
расчёска [rashchyoska] – comb
расчёсывать волосы / расчёсываться – to comb/brush hair
Сходи расчешись и почисть зубы. – Go comb your hair and brush your teeth.
фен [fyen] – hair dryer
сушить волосы феном – to dry hair
лезвие [lyezveeye] – razor
пена для бритья – shaving foam
бриться [breetsa] – to shave, to get shaved
ватные палочки – cotton swabs
ватный диск – cotton pad
тампон [tampon] – tampon
прокладки [praklatkee] – pads
You can also watch my video on this topic. It’s bathroom vocabulary in picures with the words pronounced by native speakers.