I’ve put together a collection of my Russian language PDFs to help you learn faster and more effectively. These resources are designed to make learning fun and engaging.

Perfect for both beginners and those looking to take their Russian to the next level. Download now and start learning!

A selection of these materials is available for free download directly from this website. Paid resources can be accessed through my Boosty or Telegram channel.

Cooking Verbs

In this concise guide, you’ll find a list of essential cooking verbs along with clear explanations of their usage. [FREE]

How to Use надо and нужно

This guide offers a comprehensive breakdown of the Russian words “надо” and “нужно”, complete with visual aids and real-life examples. [FREE]

17 Very Random Russian Dialogues

The book offers a refreshing approach to learning conversational Russian. Discover a diverse range of real-life conversations, from casual chats to more formal exchanges.

My First 100 Russian Words

My first book for beginners. Here we will focus on words and how to use them in sentences. Boring grammar will be put on the back burner.

Easy Russian Magazine

My experimental digital magazine for learning Russian. Only two issues have been released so far, but I may continue working on it in the future.