This test evaluates learners’ understanding of expressing possession in Russian using possessive pronouns and the possessive construction ‘У меня/тебя/его/их etc. есть.’

It includes a series of questions that require selecting the correct possessive pronoun or completing sentences using the appropriate possessive construction.

Created on By Easy Russian

Possessive Pronouns

1 / 11

What is the Russian translation for "my book"?

2 / 11

Which of the following is not a possessive pronoun:

3 / 11

Choose the correct translation for "her house" in Russian:

4 / 11

Select the feminine form of the pronoun "your" in Russian:

5 / 11

How many forms does the pronoun "их" have?

6 / 11

What is the Russian translation for "your (singular informal) phone"?

7 / 11

Choose the correct pronoun:

Судья временно запретил певице навещать ___ детей.

8 / 11

Choose the correct pronoun: 

- Твоя кошка любит играть?

- Да, ___ кошка очень активная.

9 / 11

How would you say "Your (plural/formal) keys" in Russian?

10 / 11

Which Russian phrase means "in our house"?

11 / 11

Fill in the blanks:

Это ___ проблемы, и мы должны их решать. Это не ____ дело.

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The average score is 76%


Created on By Easy Russian

Possessive construction "У меня есть"

1 / 10

How would you say "I have a dog" in Russian?

2 / 10

What is the Russian translation for "She had a friend"?

3 / 10

Select the correct translation for "Does she have a computer?":

4 / 10

Which sentence is correct?

5 / 10

Which sentence is incorrect?

6 / 10

Select the correct translation for "We're going to gave a baby":

7 / 10

How would you say "They don't have a cat" in Russian?

8 / 10

What is the Russian translation for "They have a big house"?

9 / 10

Choose the right form of the noun:

У неё нет _________.

10 / 10

How would you say "I had several projects" in Russian?

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The average score is 80%
