100 Popular Russian Idioms and How to Use Them

Idioms are phrases that typically present a figurative, non-literal meaning attached to them. The Russian language is a treasure trove of idiomatic expressions that not only reveal the richness of its culture but also add depth and character to conversations. In this post I gathered 100 popular Russian idioms every learner should know. These idiomatic expressions…

How to Use The Verb nravitsya (to like) in Russian

We rarely use the verb нравиться in “noun + verb” constructions. In other words, there is no literal “I like” in Russian. When we say “я нравлюсь”, “ты нравишься”, “он нравится”, “они нравятся”, it means “somebody likes me/you/him/they”. For example: Я ему нравлюсь. – He likes me. Ты мне нравишься. – I like you. Я…

Geographic Terms and Types of Landscapes in Russian

Geographic Terms and Types of Landscapes in Russian

Landscapes and places on Earth are also part of vocabulary used in daily life. In this post, we’ll be learning them. To make the lesson more beautiful, I suggest watching this video first. It’s an audiovisual dictionary that will make learning process much easier. Here’s the list of the landscape terms and place names: ручей…