What’s the Difference Between ‘сейчас’ and ‘теперь’?

Сейчас and теперь are synonyms and both are advebs of time in Russian. But there are some cases where you can only use one of them. Or one is more common than the other. “Сейчас” refers to the present moment in time. It is used to indicate “now” or “at the moment” and suggests a…

Forming the Comparative and Superlative Degrees in Russian

Comparatives are a grammatical form that is used to compare two or more things, expressing a higher or lower degree of a quality or characteristic. When we compare something, we use special forms of adjectives and adverbs. “Big” becomes “bigger” or “the biggest”. “Well” becomes “better” or “the best”. In English, it’s quite easy, right?…

Transportation Vocabulary: Vehicle Names (with Pronunciation)

Transportation Vocabulary: Vehicle Names (with Pronunciation)

There are different types of vehicles that one can use for their convenience. We use different names of machines that transports people in everyday speaking, so it’s better to learn at least the basic ones. Here’s a list for you with most common types of vehicles (including transcription) that will help you increase your vocabulary….

Bathroom & Hygiene Vocabulary: Essential Guide

Bathroom & Hygiene Vocabulary: Essential Guide

Гигиена (hygiene) is an important part of our daily routine which keeps us clean and healthy. In our everyday lives, being able to communicate effectively about bathroom-related topics is crucial. This article aims to provide you with key vocabulary on this topic, enabling you to confidently navigate bathroom situations, discuss personal hygiene, and engage in…