Demonstratives in Russian: how to say “this”, these”, “that”, and “those”

We use demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives all the time. It’s hard to imagine how we could live without them. They really make our life easier. When we want to point something specific, demonstrarives are essential. Demonstrative adjectives We use demonstrative adjectives in same situations as we do in English. But, unfortunatelly, like all Russian…

How To Say “Friend” in Russian: Friendship Vocabulary

There are some ways to say “friend” in Russian language. The most common word for it is друг [drook]. The word “друг” is a masculine form, and the feminine form is подруга [padrooga]. Note the last word ends in “a”. It usually shows that a noun is feminine. Examples: Он мой друг. He is my…

50+ Russian Adjectives and Nouns to Describe Someone’s Personality

Our personalities make us unique. There are different people with varying character traits: some are always cheerful and friendly, while others may be too shy to engage with others. Some individuals might not be inclined to smile frequently and might appear ungracious. Understanding someone’s personality allows us to connect deeply, communicate effectively, and build stronger…

Pronunciation of the Soft Sign [ь] in the Russian Language

Pronunciation of the Soft Sign [ь] in the Russian Language

The soft sign is something new for foreigners. Popular languages don’t have this letter in their alphabets. Here are some examples: ел – ель шест – шесть кон – конь Listen to the audio to feel the difference:   Can you see the difference now? That’s why we need that weird-looking letter in our alphabet….

Seasons and Months in Russian: Pronunciation and Declension

There are four seasons of the year and you all know them. But how do they sound in Russian? Let’s find out. Seasons in Russian зима [zima] – winter весна [visna] – spring лето [leta] – summer осень [osen’] – autumn зима (when?) – зимой весна (when?) – весной лето (when?) – летом осень (when?)…